is it time to feed?? (1st grow)


Active Member
doesn't look to root bound to me. if she were then you would see lateral roots. Roots look healthy too. I would transplant into a bigger pot. Also make sure you have plenty of drain holes. I use ffof and have never had a prob w/ pH.


I dont want her to get too big
wont a bigger pot make her bigger?
I heard keeping then in smaller pots will keep them smaller??


Do u think if i cut my main two branches off like clones and put them under 12/12 will they grow like the last photo
i wanna grow small plants
with big nugs for space issues



Active Member
To keep her small you need to vegg shorter and/or top/lst. You don't want to stress the plant by not having enough space for the roots. Also small pots require more watering witch could lead to pH fluctuations. A plant 6 weeks old in vegg IMO should have 3-5 gal min.


Active Member
If you clone use 24 light cycle until they root. Then throw them in 12/12 to keep them small. Also if your strain likes to bush out and you want just 1 main bud then trim the lower side branches. Not all of them just the few lower ones early on will work.


Ok kool do u think starting them on that cycle would be better?
Or should i get bigger pot?
i dont want her much taller than she is i dont have any room..
thats y i figured cutting and clining to have new plants small from beggining the right way

how do u cut and clone plants
Clone gel and strait into soil?


Well-Known Member
if you're really trying to keep her short, look into bonsai and root pruning.
it would definately help to upcan her and shake the dirt out, trim back the roots a little bit, and repot

a lot of people are scared of cutting roots, but I've done some brutal shit to MJ and soil is very, very forgiving
if you really wanna keep her short, and keep her in that 1 gallon pot, i suggest a fabric pot to help with root spinout when you decide to re-pot.

as much fresh soil as possible, using happy frog instead of FFOF, because the happy frog uses dolomite as well as powdered oyster shell.
when you think she needs food, topdress some ffof on there

when you water, don't do too much runoff or you will leech out the oyster shell buffers and get the same problem again. It's harder to do this with happy frog than ffof IMO.

to learn how to take clones do a search, and you'll find a method for you
i like rapid rooters in a propogation tray with gel

others like rockwool in a prop tray with gel OR powder, you gotta read a tutorial

and some do bubble cloners or aero cloners

too big of a branch will be hard to root, i go with medium or small cuts, that I don't think will make good bud sites
don't be afraid of defoliating mothers, in order to keep em short Keep as much foliage as close to the root system as possible, so if she ever stretches you can cut it back and force growth out of the bottom of the plant, keeping it short


I dont havr any happy frog
and i dont reallt want to take cutting if i cant really use thiker branches
their all preety stocky
alil bigger than #2 Pencil.
i guess ill go with the root trimming and keeping her in my 1gal. can i start to feed her in the soil shes in now and then in about a month flower her?
space is an issues thats y i need to keep her small