Is it time for the darkness period???

Wanting to throw this sexy bitch in a darkness period, trichomes are where I want them, pistils are curling back into the plant. Need some input, let her go for another week or start the darkness period? She is at 104 days, (heat issues). Thanks for the help in advance.


Active Member
great grow bro,, Just wait another week, then check,, I think you will be surprised how they thicken up.. I bet those buds will hang dry for at least 10 days they are THICK!!!
Should I just be giving her water? I gave her nutes 10 days ago and she didn't like it at all. Ten days without food just seems like a long time.


Well-Known Member
Something i would do is cut my lights to 8hrs a day (if possible) the heat is what's causing your long finish time but looks like you knew this.look great though considering the heat issue.And water only from here on out your just now getting some fade,your finished product will thank you .
Grass O Matic Auto 47. Minus the twenty day stress period, really I'm only at day 80. This summer was brutal, about killed everything including me. Jk. In just the past 24 hours I've noticed her getting more frosty and thicker. Even with all the problems this strain has proven to be able to come back strong.

allen bud

Active Member
give her a week and just water. A few days of darkness and shes gonna be stinking the joint up...! nice grow
Seven days later...I really need to throw her in a darkness period, my G13 ak grew up like a weed no pun intended. I thought I would have at least another week before she took off. Let me know what you guys think.