Is it sulfur?


Well-Known Member
image.jpg I believe this is a sulfur defic.

Medium-roots organic greenfield( first time using this soil)


No nutes used yet

Have I diagnosed correctly?


Well-Known Member
Well i just realised that when I water I use a spout from the house through the sprinkler system. This water is nasty city water that reaks of spoiled egg and it has need brought to my attention that there is sulfur in this water.

So now I am thinking that it has gotten too much sulfur rather than lacking in it... Yes? No?


Active Member
yeah sounds like it could be a sulfur overdose :D i'd repot and flush it a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
Hah thanks, just wait, I'll post a pic tomorrow that shows them at a better recovery point..

Are you familiar with sulfer defic ? Just curious...

And why do I need to repot? I am flushing as of now with better water, the water they got as seedlings when they did not have this issue.


Active Member
id repot just for the simple fact the soil could still hold a residue of the sulfur. probably not necessary but i like to be more thorough i guess :D and no, i've never actually experienced any issues with sulfur.