Is it safe...


Well-Known Member
My babies are about 3 weeks into flowering and looking and starting to smell lovely. My question is my father was checking them out (long time grower kind of a family tradition I guess) and was saying I needed to trim my shade leaves so more light will penetrate the actual buds well I made the mistake and trimmed them during veg and later found out here that was a mistake even though it really promoted my undergrowth considerably but I was wandering if it's the same rule during flower and should I leave them or trim only the large fan leaves blocking light from my budding branches?? It's a cfl grow by the way if that matters


Well-Known Member
Never trim off any leaves, no matter what they are blocking! Notice how big and beautiful they grow outside untouched. Same with the inside grow, dont take off the leaves. They are what feeds the buds.


you can trim it will be fine. shit you can even cut off all the undergrowth branches and all to promote bigger top buds


Active Member
ive been growing with lst and cfl for a little while and i have pretty good luck trimming leaves, i miean yes you do end up with a smaller plant, and YES you can get carried away lol trust me, but when i ,make sure to trim larger light blocking leaves, i get tons of side growth and more bud sites, works pretty good for me, although i do try to keep them under 2 feet total, i have one now in veg that has 11 awesome looking bud sites, fingers crossed for another biiiatch :)


hahaha if the light cant penatrate the plants properly because of EXTRA foliage then trim it down


Active Member
yes i guess thats the best wording if its blocking light to a specific bud site. after all were growin for bud not for leaves, and furthermore, yes they need leaves to breathe but even a few branches can get it done, p.s. i am growing in a ridiculously arrid envir. Rel. hum. is around 20% so for me, lots of leaves are not neccesary


Well-Known Member
yes i guess thats the best wording if its blocking light to a specific bud site. after all were growin for bud not for leaves, and furthermore, yes they need leaves to breathe but even a few branches can get it done, p.s. i am growing in a ridiculously arrid envir. Rel. hum. is around 20% so for me, lots of leaves are not neccesary
Ok ok lol you keep on going with your ass backward beleifs. Have you not even read a book on any subject of growing? I mean it's apparent with your saying "lots of leaves are not neccesary[/quote] that you have no idea whats right from wrong.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
See that avatar of mine, thats my uncle Jorge Cervantes. Look him up and read anyone of his books or watch his dvd's. It will change your garden for life.