Is it safe to order in US?Any one do it?


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, why don't you take a chill pill, come in here cussing and making accusations.

They are illegal only if germinated ? You are wrong, read below, that is the law.

Cannabis Seeds are illegal to possess, sell, or receive in the mail in the United States and
many other countries.

If there is no way to know what's in the package how come Dr Chronic's stuff is getting seized ?

I am posting the law as written, so why do you think I don't know what I'm talking about ? Is it because what you think and what the law is are two different things so I must be wrong ?

If it's all so clear then why is every other thread asking the same question ?

Like I said before, these threads sit for hours with no response and then when someone sees a chance to start an argument everyone piles in.[/If you want to be poIice officer go to the cop shop, you wanna Iearn how to grow weed hang out, dont bring that shit here , your just some geek on the comp. wanna be Iike mike and it aint happenin,bro


Well-Known Member
Still with the name calling and bad language ? Are you having a bad day ?

Where did I post anything about stuff being shipped a certain way ? Why make stuff up about me ?

In fact I just posted on another thread worrying about how long attitude is going to be trouble free since every other thread is about how good they are and that is the only place to order. Personally I keep my mouth shut because loose lips sink ships and the more people that know about something the sooner the whole thing gets shut down. I think they've had too much publicity myself.

I haven't visited any other sites so I'm not sure what is being said about the doc.


Well-Known Member
yes i am having a bad day. fucking horrible raiders game lol. and i said the people that do that are idiots LIKE you. i didnt make up shit about you. stop twisting my words.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, raiderman, is calling me names also.

Did you ever think some people might want to know what the law actually is ?

It's people like you that don't who rat everyone out when they get caught becasue they think they can make a deal with the police officer instead of using their right to remain silent.

Whoops there I went telling people about their rights, I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
they illegal period.. but they aint got time to bust you for them well not over 10funky seeds because they cant prove you ordered them, well maybe if they went digging for real but they aint got time for that


Well-Known Member
dude youre not helping anyone out here youre just being a sarcastic prick. do us all a favor and stop typing.


Well-Known Member
Don't post they are illegal or Raiderman will start calling you names also and saying you don't know what you are talking about they have to be germinated first.


Well-Known Member
yeah what a misdemeaner? people get caught with ozs of weed and dont have shit happen. like anyones going to care about a few seeds.


Well-Known Member
Please don't stop now, enlighten me with more of your genius so maybe I can elevate myself above idiot status.


Well-Known Member
hes not even worried hes just here to tell people theyre going to get arrested for ordering seeds. if that doesnt qualify you as an idiot im not sure what does...


Well-Known Member
i didnt caII him nuthing that aint true.were brothers here, we Iook out after ea. other , so wen the internet poIice come in somebody gotta hoIIa run,haha


Well-Known Member
reaIIy Iike your avitar.Iiked oIe bob MarIey, I reaIIy Iike his music, i smoke weed for some the same reasons he did, ,to bring me more in touch with my spirit and peace within, and i'm a weight Iifter .


Well-Known Member
were brothers here, we Iook out after ea. other , so wen the internet poIice come in somebody gotta hoIIa run,haha

that's great raiderman. I split a gut laughing reading this.

I agree too, big brother hasn't time for a few seeds in the mail. Mane's tutorial about ordering seeds is good. Just keep the order small, then
bing bang boom, your babies find their way to you . It's illegal to j-walk, how many people you hear gettin busted for that. They got bigger n better things to do.