Is it ready? w/pics, also a few questions

smokin up tha cali

Active Member
I have been flowering this plant for 55 days today, bagseed btw. The buds keep getting bigger all the time, i am using cfls and a total of 92 watts. The plant keeps producing new growth all the time. The hairs are about 20% red and i looked at the trichomes and they look to be about 70% milky so I was thinkin about 2 weeks tops then?? So about two weeks ago I picked a little bud and it got me high but i opened up one of the calyxs (pod where hairs come out) and there was this little brown thing a little bigger than a poppy seed so I'm thinkin there is seeds, any idea?? If so should I wait for all the hairs to turn red so my seeds get fully developed??? I had 2 males at the start and think I cut em too late, if the males were only at the start could this mean there are only seed in the inside of the buds??? Or if there is pollen do the buds make seeds throughout??? Help greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
looks good. ha u really choppped up that plant dude! kind of small too. looks like ull get a 1/4-1/2 ounce. maybe


New Member
looks pretty good given your setup, i have grown out some bagseed too and had many a seeded bud, but i swear to god i can't find a male flower anywhere, as if it was producing male pods inside the fem buds. I figure ya get what ya pay for and i bought some seeds. We shall see then if it stops.

And as long as its still growing let it fatten up, i have heard growing under cfls can add a few weeks to your schedule.


smokin up tha cali

Active Member
Thanks for the answers so far, but hey password it sounded like you had hermies if there were seeds w/no males. I'm hopin for 7-14 grams. I also heard too that cfls take a few extra weeks so we will c what happens.O yea I forgot to mention I topped it, you can obviously tell tho. So should I wait til the plant stops growin white hairs to make sure the seeds are fully grown and developed??


Well-Known Member
i cant speak to the seed thing but where did all your fan leaves go? next time leave your fan leaves on man, the plant needs those to grow big fat buds. Why did you chop them up so bad? The fan leaves are what carry out most of the photosynthesis which is what gives the plant energy to produce bud.

smokin up tha cali

Active Member
well they were all turning really yellow and kinda crispy, if you barely grabbed em they would fall off, im thinkin because i didnt give any nutes till like a week or 2 ago, I gave em some 10-20-10 and the leaves started to green up so I think that was the problem, kinda stupid on my part but its my first grow and wasnt totally thinkin things through. New calyxs and leaves keep shootin up so im not doin too bad i guess, I'll know for next time now


Well-Known Member
lol, oh ok. Well at least you are gonna get some bud man. Looks like it wont be to bad either. Good luck on your next grow!

smokin up tha cali

Active Member
DAY 59 FLOWERING, I want the seeds to be fully mature so I can use them im later grows, I looked at a lil leaf comin out of a bud today and it had around 40% amber trichs, should i wait til around day 70???? Help & Advice please