is it ready for harvest?


11 weeks indoor is most likely ready, let me rephrase myself it IS ready. However, it comes down to the desired effect. You have to look at the trichomes up close, look up (420 scope) most hydro shops should have them. If trichomes are cloudy/murky looking you will get more of a sativa high, if you let it flower longer they will start to turn amber color inside, the more amber they look it will resemble an Inidca high with the couchlock type of high. Hope that makes sense. Don't let it go too long, and I hate to say it but you might have because most strains flower within 9 weeks indoors, THC will start to degrade after a certin point. Take a look at the links.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEHEMk_uzvBjdJ4PGtL2oQ4c6hNYw&ust=1390836467990072


Well-Known Member
Two more weeks id figure but id check it with a 420 scope of some kind in a week and a half. Hold tight. ;)


Well-Known Member
11 weeks indoor is most likely ready, let me rephrase myself it IS ready. However, it comes down to the desired effect. You have to look at the trichomes up close, look up (420 scope) most hydro shops should have them. If trichomes are cloudy/murky looking you will get more of a sativa high, if you let it flower longer they will start to turn amber color inside, the more amber they look it will resemble an Inidca high with the couchlock type of high. Hope that makes sense. Don't let it go too long, and I hate to say it but you might have because most strains flower within 9 weeks indoors, THC will start to degrade after a certin point. Take a look at the links.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEHEMk_uzvBjdJ4PGtL2oQ4c6hNYw&ust=1390836467990072
11 weeks indoor could be ready if the plant says its ready, let me rephrase myself it has nothing to do with how many weeks its been since you flipped the lights and eveverything to do with when it gets there with untested genetics. After youve run the strain a couple times youll be able to know in advance when she should be ready but jumping the gun could cost you big time especially in the flavor department.


Well-Known Member
11 weeks indoor is most likely ready, let me rephrase myself it IS ready. However, it comes down to the desired effect. You have to look at the trichomes up close, look up (420 scope) most hydro shops should have them. If trichomes are cloudy/murky looking you will get more of a sativa high, if you let it flower longer they will start to turn amber color inside, the more amber they look it will resemble an Inidca high with the couchlock type of high. Hope that makes sense. Don't let it go too long, and I hate to say it but you might have because most strains flower within 9 weeks indoors, THC will start to degrade after a certin point. Take a look at the links.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEHEMk_uzvBjdJ4PGtL2oQ4c6hNYw&ust=1390836467990072
I hate that shitty myth


Well-Known Member
11 weeks indoor is most likely ready, let me rephrase myself it IS ready. However, it comes down to the desired effect. You have to look at the trichomes up close, look up (420 scope) most hydro shops should have them. If trichomes are cloudy/murky looking you will get more of a sativa high, if you let it flower longer they will start to turn amber color inside, the more amber they look it will resemble an Inidca high with the couchlock type of high. Hope that makes sense. Don't let it go too long, and I hate to say it but you might have because most strains flower within 9 weeks indoors, THC will start to degrade after a certin point. Take a look at the links.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNEHEMk_uzvBjdJ4PGtL2oQ4c6hNYw&ust=1390836467990072
It is my understanding that orange trics are DEGRADED THC. The strain itself is responsible for the type of high.