Is it ready. Close to harvest?


Well-Known Member
You can get a cheap microscope so you can check the tricombs and that will tell ya.

good ol boy

Well-Known Member
Looks good. Id say u still got a lil bit. How long she been in flower? 3 -5 wks id guesstimate? Buy a jewelers loop and look at the trichomes best way to go. Good luck and enjoy my friend


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you need to flush? I never do, but I use organic nutrients in soil. Don't starve them for the last week if you don't have to. That's when the magic happens.


Well-Known Member
you got a picture of the whole plant ?

amber, milky is personal taste I like 20 to 90% amber or 20 to 60% brown depending on the strain

but 70% milky will do for some strains

more about how the whole plant looks and if it will grow nice for longer or if its degrading already

So I find seeing the whole plant tells you if its a good idea to grow it longer or not and looking at the trichs is a good way of deciding if you want to run it longer or not

S and a

you got a picture of the whole plant ?

amber, milky is personal taste I like 20 to 90% amber or 20 to 60% brown depending on the strain

but 70% milky will do for some strains

more about how the whole plant looks and if it will grow nice for longer or if its degrading already

So I find seeing the whole plant tells you if its a good idea to grow it longer or not and looking at the trichs is a good way of deciding if you want to run it longer or not
Ill post a pic tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
that could go 4 more weeks

or you could finish it in 2

just down to how you feed it

cutting back the N and P and give just K and that`ll be ripe in 2 weeks

feed full nutes for another 2 weeks then cut to just mostly k for a week or 2 and you`ll yield more

Leaves all still look green and healthy so kind up to you mate

how do the buds smell and give one a little poke see how hard or soft it is, you want them as fat and hard as you can get them :p

S and a

Had quite a bit of dead leaves at the bottom. I take um off before they get to brittle to handle. Felt my buds . very firm and rediculously sticky. I underestimated how sticky it gets.