Is It Possible to Pull 2400g Off 2x600w???


Well-Known Member
just seeing if this is possible. of course the conditions would have to be perfect, the strain and all factors pointing to it being possible. with that said, has anyone pulled this off?

im asking because im in the process of designing my flower tent. i really want 2x1000w. but i may have to go with 2x600w.

if anyone cares to need anymore info to answer my question, although i think my question doesn't have to be too specific, i can provide it.
5.3 pounds from 1200w... I'm going to say that's near impossible unless you are talking about multiple cycles.
5.3 pounds from 1200w... I'm going to say that's near impossible unless you are talking about multiple cycles.

Yea, those plants would have to be 16-20 ft. tall and about 8 ft. around EACH! LOL. Most people on here are getting 2-4 oz/plant indoors, but then again, one surly can try...
okay, yeah i didnt think about that. i want 1g/watt. that is all. im basically seeing what i should put in my 4x8 tent. 2x1000w, 2x600w or 3x600w....i think i may just have to stick with 2x600w. and hope for 1500g. 3lbs would be possible. i know a buddy who is pulling off 2.5lbs from each 1000w. and he is running 2x1000. but i dont know if he has a tent or not.
could i pull 1.5lbs off each 600w ??

i honestly don't care about yield that much. i know quality over quantity, i just want to know if it is possible. if it is thinking too extreme? have people done it? just getting a census basically.
I ran 2kW in a 4x8 and regretted it. I'd recommend 2x600s unless you live in a really cool area. I love my 600w in my 4x4.
Yea, those plants would have to be 16-20 ft. tall and about 8 ft. around EACH! LOL. Most people on here are getting 2-4 oz/plant indoors, but then again, one surly can try...

i know your exaggerating a little, but i have seen 14lbs off a 8ft plant outdoor.... so that isnt what would be needed to produce that much yield. super cropping and other techniques would yield that much outdoor no sweat!
I ran 2kW in a 4x8 and regretted it. I'd recommend 2x600s unless you live in a really cool area. I love my 600w in my 4x4.

i really do think i will run 2x600 in summer and 2x1000 in winter. i do live in a rather warm area. but i have a south facing house. and i have a shaded backyard. so my master bedroom is a lit colder then the rest of the house in the winter and it hardly gets any sunlight. its super cold in that room in the winter. seems like the heater dont even phase it. but i think i should seriously start rethinking my design setup.
i currently veg in a 4x4 tent with 1x1000w light and it never reaches above 75 with the light on. but i have a portable a/c in there. i love that room in the summer time.
near impossible without the expertise but if ur anal bout it not a h proplem yweaking each crop u will obtain this im sure guy. but really depends on many things if perfect conditions are meet strain is ur limiting factor most of all i know many in my circle have hit 1.0gpw even we have best bud contests/most yeild /best strain after da cure as weve only seen three strains we were able to crack 2.0gpw skunk/indica lulus lighting most yeild ive ever gotten 2.5 gpw only with this snow slyder but this is not as hard as u think 4by4 holds 108plants each holds 21 high 18ish low grams but there always few that i remove depending on strain needs this leaves just shy of 2100grams n few bracts short this time 45 day strain mine run most time as i run 6 on 12 off light cycle 91/2 days fly by in 7 less than 10 %LOSS IN FASTER TIME quicker flip 8 crops verus 6 this gives u higher gram per watt ran as well as more buds after a year easy if both way were ran perfect keep good jornal as this is ur tweaking guide for ur mission
Best way would be barebulb and grow vertically in hydro from what i have seen. You want 2grams/watt so it would take awhile to get to that point and you would need a great strain. ---- Read into that and check out more vertical grows.

wtf?? that shit CRAY!!! i wouldnt even know where to begin with that. it looks like it wraps all the way around? really good idea for sure! very genius!
near impossible without the expertise but if ur anal bout it not a h proplem yweaking each crop u will obtain this im sure guy. but really depends on many things if perfect conditions are meet strain is ur limiting factor most of all i know many in my circle have hit 1.0gpw even we have best bud contests/most yeild /best strain after da cure as weve only seen three strains we were able to crack 2.0gpw skunk/indica lulus lighting most yeild ive ever gotten 2.5 gpw only with this snow slyder but this is not as hard as u think 4by4 holds 108plants each holds 21 high 18ish low grams but there always few that i remove depending on strain needs this leaves just shy of 2100grams n few bracts short this time 45 day strain mine run most time as i run 6 on 12 off light cycle 91/2 days fly by in 7 less than 10 %LOSS IN FASTER TIME quicker flip 8 crops verus 6 this gives u higher gram per watt ran as well as more buds after a year easy if both way were ran perfect keep good jornal as this is ur tweaking guide for ur mission

im sorry you confused me. i couldnt understand much of what you were saying. i think i got the jist of it...but whatever, no biggie.
u can hit 2.0gpw any way u grow hydroponicly just takes planning leaving nothing to chance and back ups ex , i run back up exaust fan incase ac failure or just cant keep up with demand at top room on 2000 cfm blower this way co2 is not lost and maxium heat/rh is removed just incase plan ur room right and ull be 3/4 way there 2.0 gpw then when sucsessful try get dailed in even more ive tweaked my nutes for years as i really iam trying near 3.0gpw new goal i dont know if its EVER gonna happen BUT wont stop me from trying
I would recommend investing in a portable ac unit, ideally one with dual hoses. 2 600w are going to be hot in a 4x8 tent, so you might as well do it right in the first place, and invest in a portable ac unit, at least 12,000 btu, and then you can do 2 1000w lights.

Get a electrician friend to help you. This kind of power can get dangerous. If you're doing any kind of flood and drain system, you're going to need a dehumidifier in your tent too. That's more power.

There really no such thing as a simple grow--a small grow, yes, but not a simple grow. If you're looking for yield, then you have to take the time (and invest the money) to do it right.

* portable AC
* dehumidifier
* an electrician to help wire everything
* lights and water ever else equipment (Craig's List is a good place for discounts)
* nutes and seeds/plants
* lots of insecticide stuff on hand

Nothing about this is cheap, and it's a ton of work.

It's such a big time/
IM NOT EVER GOING TO DO HYDRO!!!! sorry, but i love soil!!! so maybe that will be a factor, but i hear organic soil growers still getting good yields. i actually would try to do bubbleponics, but i would really like to get soil growing down first. i do have a portable a/c unit. but i just found out it is only 1 port. not the 2port i was advised to buy. and just for the record, this isnt my first grow. i have a lot of equipment. and have been growing for a while now. i just want to see if it is possible. now that i know it is, i will get it done!!
I dont know about you, but Im hoping to get at least 1.75 lb- 2lb from my 1200w 4x8 tent. I need at least that to make it worth not having a regular job.
I don't think it's possible buddy. That's a shitload of grams per watt. I've NEVER heard of anyone pulling 2g per watt in 12 years of growing. Even if you had a big setup with 6,000-8,000watts with overlapping light and were doing a SOG I still don't think it would be possible. My room is pretty dialed in and if I can get 1.25g per watt I am super stoked.