is it possible to have a nitrogen deficiency using 3-12-6 dyna gro bloom?


Active Member
Sure can.....sometimes if my plants look like they need more N I will feed Gro or mix my Gro and bloom together. Also I would feed with gro into flower and not start my bloom nutes until after stretch (roughly two weeks)...Plants will consume a lot of food during stretch. What make you think you need more N? Pictures?


Active Member
have you been using the bloom from start up until now?

Its definitely possible and likely if thats all you have been using. I use dynagro foliage and bloom. I mainly use the foliage pro and slowly start mixing in the bloom the last 6 weeks or so of flowering.

Post a pic or 2 and exactly how you are watering/feeding your plants.


Well-Known Member
I use Foliage pro in veg and then do a 50/50 mix of Foliage Pro and Bloom after the first week of flowering or so till finish.


Well-Known Member
3-12-16 Your nitrogen level is low. Probs going to see some yellowing if you don't up the N.

Cal Mag + or some epsom for any deficiencies. Keep your pH @ 5.8 - 5.9 for hydro - for soil 6.8 is on the money...

Po boy

Well-Known Member
way too low. there are many good ones out there. i personally use Jack's 20-20-20. GL


New Member
well dang if u grew that bad boy i'm buying jack's too lol. but damn guess i got fooled...i vegged for barely 3 weeks and went into flowering so figured i'd better start feeding him and i heard bloom was alright as soon as u switched 12/12 so thats wat i went with. may hook the fella up with a little bit of miracle grow.


New Member
and stanly no not until i threw it on 12/12 and i did that two weeks ago without anything being fed to him previously. i started him out real lean, i think i used 1/8 tsp in a gallon or maybe half a gallon and then a few days ago i mixed up 1/4 tsp a gallon and still no sign of improvement. i've damn near been feeding him every time i water cause he looks like hes dying. also today i found vverrry little greenish/brown worm looking bugs in my soil and/or drain plate. only god knows what could be the problem at this point..i've done wrecked my brain...PhotoArt_03042014221404[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Lots of folks use Maxibloom throughout the grow...but that's a little higher in N...(5-15-14). But for you to add nore N, you shouldn't just up your nute dosage or you'll overdo things with P and K. Like several guys suggested...blend some grow nutrient in...or topdress some worm castings or add anything that is just N.

And I'm not good with pests but if you have some have to treat that. Good luck...


New Member
found some 13-4-5 food spikes under the sink lol? i'm guessing nobody recommends food spikes but what do you guys think about the numbers? its hi in nitrogen :D