Is it Possible to get Harvest EVERY 2-3 WEEKS doing 12/12 from seed???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok I want to get a steady harvest coming in. But the thing is which way should I go about doing it? I have a 21 Site Aero cloner but I was wondering about 12-12 from seed. Which way would be quicker and produce more? I thought about the SOG method but I rather not cause you got to do way to many plants to get enough. I have a 4x4x6.5 tent with 600W HPS/MH and a 442CFM Carbon Filter combo. I would like to get a continue harvest of 6-8 oz give or take


Active Member
It is possible, but you would need 3-4 rotations (assuming a short, 8-9 week flowering period). I cant say much for yield as that is dependent on strain and number of plants. But lets say you get one ounce per plant, you would need 8 plants ( 2 per "rotation" ).