is it poss to get 1 lb from 1 plant?

ok so i talked to the guy who claims he gets this crazy weight and now his story changes ( cause he wont show anyone his set up) he vegges with a 600 hps for 1 month and then flips them to 2 1000 hps for 7 weeks. 9 plants and 10 to 12 lbs. im still havin a hard time beliving him but you guys think that is poss?

He means 1.0 lb _ 1.2lb a light
I regularly get a pound a plant dried. Best ever from one plant was 26 ounces. But my light is 4 X 10^26 watts.
my mate grows two n/l in a big workshop in soil under 1000w lights , wish i had some photos to show you, he reguarly gets(you wont believe this) over 10 lb of each plant his bloody stems are over 6" in diameter, never seen fuck all like it... and he is all organic... feeds them on worm juice..