Is it ok to have lights-off for 2 days?


Active Member
I am currently vegging 3 AI plants in a Tent in my walk-closet.
My Mom who is very nosey, doesn't mind her own business and likes to stick her nose in every
nook and cranny of my house is coming-over for 2 days towards the end of the month.
I can't just tell her to stay-out,
because she helped me buy the house and it is still in her name.
I was already planning on switching to flower light cycle around that time anyways.
I have read that it's a good idea to turn-off the lights for 1 day to kick-start the flowering process.
Since I don't want my nosey Mom discovering my grow,
would it be harmful to turn the lights-off for 2 days instead of 1 day?


Active Member
Yep, you will be fine. It is optimal to avoid things like this, but it will not do harm per se. I've done it both in purpose and by accident many times and no harm will come due to the 48-hours of darkness.