Is it normal?


Active Member
Not an expert but I would imagine your days are starting to slowly get longer and if this happens quickly and you get up to 14 hours of light them it should revert to veg. If you are bringing it in then you may want to consider adding light to keep it in veg longer as well. On the other hand you may want to limit the light to 12 and let it continue to flower. Longer veg time will give you more but with all the changes in lights you may end up stressing the plant. If it was me and my plant I would continue to limit light and get what I get. Strart a new grow and ensure light schedules are correct and harvest that at the end of the outdoor season. Again this is what I would do and not a suggestion of what you should do.
You think I have an issue with those?


Active Member
No not an issue, their flowering. Either keep flowering them or let them revert to veg.
They will logically when day grows bigger not affecting my crop right?I mean I ll have a crop descent with no airy buds or something?
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
They will logically when day grows bigger not affecting my crop right?I mean I ll have a crop descent with no airy buds or something?
I can't answer that, never revegged a plant but lots here have and that's what will happen. Seen some huge revegged clones here though.


Active Member
I can't answer that, never revegged a plant but lots here have and that's what will happen. Seen some huge revegged clones here though.
So you think I ll be all right?sorry if I am asking the same things but I m a bit anxious greetings from Greece bro

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Yeah that isnt pre flowers that is in flower. I have revegged before and it takes some time. You should never put plants out this early in the year without bringing them in at night to have them under artificial lighting to keep them from doing this. Honestly I dont think you are screwed totally but if you keep doing what your doing you might be. You either need to keep them in flower and bring them in and keep them in a dark place for 12 hours or keep them under lights at night to reveg them.


Active Member
Now that the days grows bigger wont they reveg?i m so confused to keep and wait them or just rip them off :/


Well-Known Member
Now that the days grows bigger wont they reveg?i m so confused to keep and wait them or just rip them off :/
Well i think you could try. I have clones that are reveging from flowering and they are doing just fine. I't woun't hurt to try.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Now that the days grows bigger wont they reveg?i m so confused to keep and wait them or just rip them off :/
They slowly will yes but you will end up with a crappy yield. I would force them into re veg with lights to try to salvage ur grow.


Active Member
I can see them grow older but will they ever come to their full growth and finally to harvest i m asking cause if they ll not to try with something else i don t have the time i am growing with the sun

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I can see them grow older but will they ever come to their full growth and finally to harvest i m asking cause if they ll not to try with something else i don t have the time i am growing with the sun
I dont know man...ive never had my plants that far into flower and then try to reveg them with just sun. They are pretty far a long. Hope this will br a lesson learned for you though. Best of luck to you.