Well-Known Member
The General Organics complete line was disappointing. You are missing the Black Forest (humic supplement). I hate the fact that they portray it is an organic product when in reality it is simply the same as all the other chemical products. If you like the chemicals go with Dyna Grow and Bloom lineup way cheaper and better results. If it were me I favor the true living organic (TLO) approach. here is a great recipe.
1 3.8 cf bag of Pro Mix BX or HP
1 cf of compost (earth worm castings, thermo compost)
.5 cf of perlite, coco shells, pumice or rice hulls
6 cups of Espoma brand bio tone starter plus
3 cups alfalfa meal
3 cups kelp meal
3 cups crab meal (Neptune harvest)
2 cups of a 50/50 mix of Neem cake and Karanja cake ( This stuff is amazing but expensive.
Minerals as follows 1 cups of soft rock phosphate (or brown rock), 1 cup of crushed oyster shells, 1 cup gypsum 3/4 cup of sul po mag, 1 cup of azomite
Mix it thoroughly on a large tarp or cement mixer.
Let it "cook" or rest for 1 month before using. This is a water only True living organic soil. It will still need the occasional AACT tea and a dose of humic and fulvic acid to feed the microbial life but other than that it's a no brainer medium. No more worries and it will most likely be the best grow you have ever produced. It is a little more work/labor to do organics but nothing great ever comes easy.
Is the one month cooking time required or could I go 2-3 weeks?