Is it Mg deficiency? Pics attached


Active Member
Is it Mg deficiency?
View attachment 398343

View attachment 398344

This is White Widow
Using nutrients:
Also using Hydrogen peroxide 50% 9ml to 5gal
300w HPS lights 18h/6h
ventilation OK. Inside temp 68f-75f(20c-24c)

Anyone had this problem? I know that I must find epsom salt to add Mg to my nutrient solution but I have not found jet. :(

Where should I be looking for epsom salt? In Zooshops? Are epsom salt same as sea salt?

nutrient deficiency, dwc, white widow, bubleponics, vegetative stage, epsom salt, Magnesium, yellow fan leaves,


Well-Known Member
lol sure epsom is the same as sea salt. go ahead and try seasalt let us know what happens...just kidding dont do that. you can get epsom salts at any drug store, epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, seasalt will kill your plants faster than shit.


Active Member
Mine are doing the same exact thing so I'm curious to see what the answer here is. I am on my second round of growing and only seem to run into this problem after about 2 weeks into flowering. I have already purchased epsom salts but have chosen to add Fish Emulsion for a Nitrogen boost first since the plants have grown about 2 feet in the last 2 1/2 weeks. I am using Flora Nova nutes at about 750 PPM total(500PPM Flora Nova Bloom, 30 PPM Floralicious Plus, 100 PPM FloraNectar, 120 PPM Kool Bloom.)(Hydro w/400HPS). 2 1/2 weeks into flowering. If that doesn't work then I'm going to add the epsom salt. The only problem is that the bag I have says nothing about hydro application so I dont know how much to add. I tried adding it to the last crop and 1 tsp/5gal of it added about 150 PPM, so adding too much would cut down on the other nutrients so I just didn't mess with it after that because I didn't want to make anything worse. Now though, I really want to find out because its doing the same thing again.


Active Member
I found salt
NaCl - 43%
Potassium Cl - 42%
Manganese salts - 15%
and left my plant with 2 tea spoons this mixture. This will be good experiment :D. EC was up to 1.7 :O I will have a chance to look at them tomorrow. Will keep you up to date.


Chat room operator..ONLY!
Looks like a lockout of some sort. Before trying to treat the def. Make sure your ph is correct in your medium. Test your runoff water and make sure your ph is correct first. Simply adjusting your ph could cure your problem alone. If you are having a def caused by a lockout, giving your plant more of the nute its lacking wont do any good if your plant cant absorb it due to the lockout you are havin in the first place. I hope this helps. Keep it Green!


Active Member
Everything looks fine. Leaves are back healthy lifting up and good color. I think those salts helped a bit.
Yourlocal420 thank you I did calibrate my pH meter when the problem started because that was first what came in to my mind...


Active Member
Well, my addition of Fish emulsion for a Nitrogen boost definitely wasn't the answer. I just added 200 PPM (Epso Grow) Epsom Salts. Hopefully that fixes my problem. I'm glad to see that your plants are back to good!!!!


Active Member
Well, my addition of Fish emulsion for a Nitrogen boost definitely wasn't the answer. I just added 200 PPM (Epso Grow) Epsom Salts. Hopefully that fixes my problem. I'm glad to see that your plants are back to good!!!!
So? Did it help you?


Well-Known Member
. Make sure your ph is correct in your medium. Test your runoff water and make sure your ph is correct first. Simply adjusting your ph could cure your problem alone. If you are having a def caused by a lockout, giving your plant more of the nute its lacking wont do any good if your plant cant absorb it due to the lockout you are havin in the first place. I hope this helps. Keep it Green!

999 times out of 1000, suspected micronutrient defeciencys are PH lockout. Adding more usually makes the problem worse.


Active Member
Well I put the salts in and that didn't seem to do much either so I went out and got some CalMax. I did a complete flush and re did all the nutes and added the calmax and now they are doing a lot better that was 4 days ago.


Well-Known Member
it looks like it to me cause a Mn defficiency starts appearing when the plant gets about 3 or 4 weeks into the grow,,it doesnt show soon,,it takes a minute..but the epson salt is what u need..i dont know the ratio/gal. to mix ,,but that should do the trick.ill be posted.and keep that ph below 6.0.