Is it Me or My Luck?


Bah! I just had 4/4 plants go male on me. Is there some common mistakes that make them go male or is it just my luck? I just started another 7 so hopefully I can correct me or my luck!


Thanks for the wishes lol. And i always thought you could encourage the plant either way.
And man one of my plants was fully indica, i was excited to see how it flowered.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
light spectrum has some influence. if you start seeds under a lower kelvin bulb (used for flowering) you'll see more males and under a veg light youll see more fems. (so ive read.)


Well-Known Member
What are you growing in? dirt or water? I think type of dirt has something to do with it! :hump:

A seed is a seed is a seed?


thanks thanks. And yeah im in a soil grow. I started out dual spectrum cfls and now im running a 400whps all the way through.


bud bootlegger
i know i've read in jorge cervente's book that he says that there is a few things that one can do to increase the amount of females from seeds.. i think he says one is less hours of light in the first few weeks of veg helps as does higher level's of nitrogen in the same time period..
google the grow bible and how to get more females and you may find what i'm talking about.. it takes up about a half of page in the book or so..


Active Member
sorry but personally dont believe there is anthing you can do to ( encourage ) a male seed to turn female . Its precoded in the seeds genetics . I know a lot people believe you can but the most you can do is hermy a femal as far as changing sex's go . I dont see how this rumor keeps going around ... but if its a male seed it will remain a male seed regardless of soils , lights , temps , gods prayed to ..ect...


Active Member
I read the forementioned article and still dont believe it lol . sry .... I just dont believe that you can change a male seed to female ... I know its hard to imagine something being wrong on the internet ... but someone would have to prove it to me before I would believe it . I've played this game a long time and can call the seeds usually fairly accuratley just looking at the seed ( I swear it ) female seeds are rounder and have a circle dent in the end ... this is not an exact science of course but kinda amazing tbh .


Active Member
I read somewhere that turning your lights on for an hr afew hr's after lights out that will help make female's but i dont know if theres any truth init?


Active Member
I know that if your growing the same strain from the same seeds and plants are smaller than other's then chance's are they are female. if im wrong someone step in and say plz


bud bootlegger
I know that if your growing the same strain from the same seeds and plants are smaller than other's then chance's are they are female. if im wrong someone step in and say plz
yes, this tends to be true, but not always so, but yes, usually shorter, bushier plants are chics, and taller, lankier ones are the dudes, but not always 100% reliable...


Active Member
Its awalys good to know new things coz thats why im here to try and learn as much as i can, and help if i can, i got afew plants bigger than the others and im trying to find out if they are males, i know some are able to tell from the pre-flowers, i know that the girls got the pistals and the males the balls.
Ill just have to put them into flower to make sure i think, thanks for the info, scunk


Well-Known Member
thanks thanks. And yeah im in a soil grow. I started out dual spectrum cfls and now im running a 400whps all the way through.
Maybe its the hps light? I don't think a seed is programed, I lot of things influence the sex such as type of light and length of time the light is on 24/7 in veg increases female tense sticky and stinky stuff type of dirt also ffof I got almost all females but had a lot of low ph troubles? Soon as I post this some one is going say again that its program in to the seed and you have no control over it Bull Shit!


Active Member
Maybe its the hps light? I don't think a seed is programed, I lot of things influence the sex such as type of light and length of time the light is on 24/7 in veg increases female tense sticky and stinky stuff type of dirt also ffof I got almost all females but had a lot of low ph troubles? Soon as I post this some one is going say again that its program in to the seed and you have no control over it Bull Shit!
I totaly agree man, i was told something awhile ago about bannar skins can produce females but some other person said thats rubbish and theres a gas or something like that can turn seeds into females, i think they use the gas or whatever its called to make feminized seeds, if im right.


I totaly agree man, i was told something awhile ago about bannar skins can produce females but some other person said thats rubbish and theres a gas or something like that can turn seeds into females, i think they use the gas or whatever its called to make feminized seeds, if im right.

I was always wondering how they do it, can anyone verify?