Is it male or female


Well-Known Member
the light was bought at costco, it a larger out door flood light ill post a pic it and the box with the specs. ill add a cuple little cfls to the side to get light there.
she is almost on a 12 12 right now. she was out side like i said and the days have gotten shorter so i just put her on the same light cycle when i moved her inside. so do i have to wait longer or just have to make it less light? plz help
click the pics to make them larger



Well-Known Member
both r def fem's,i like those close ups when u click,12/12 light and you'll see them start to really plump up,lol.....good luck,b-rad,haha,mali-bootay,lol.........ras


Well-Known Member
lol everyone ignored ya question:roll:
Basically it is a 65w cfl...but it gives out the same as a 500w halogen/incandescent.
Like my 24w cfl says its = 150w halogen And it gives of 1800lumens, its not the best of bulbs but its the only ones i could find in cool white..the rest were all warm white :evil:

Hope this helps ya mate :)

EDIT: knew i had forgotten something lol

Bluntedinwarren the lumen's is not incorrect...firstly it says so on the box secondly my 24w lights are about 2k lumen's, and his is a 65w, and you get more lumen's with a higher wattage than lots of lower wattages :)


Well-Known Member
all right thanks everyone this site is really help full.
iToke so is my light good enough to use? ill prob get another just to be safe thought.
Ralphie there are pics on the 1 2 and 3 page some are up close and of the whole plant.
RASCALONE ya i just use putfile it easy to use and you can put a grip on there. b-rad rules lol i had forgotten about movie till now.
i only have one plant its just a diff angle and stuff. the pics are from a canon digital reble it takes some sick pics.


Well-Known Member
ya i want to see how this grow goes and then decide if i want to grow more later.
can anyone tell what type she is? i got the seeds from a friend and he dosent know what thay were eather.
ya nock on wood i havent had any probs besides haveing to transplant her a while back to a bigger bucket.
so will i just get a smaller yeild with not enought lights?
thanks for the calments


Well-Known Member
ok got a new question for you all. i had her growing outside, started her off in july the days were long but didnt think it out and now its gotten colder and days have gotten shorter and ive brought her inside. well i just put her on the same amount of light that she was getting outside but thats nearly 12/12, so how do i get her to bud? i really hope i didnt fuck this up.
ps i also got one more light and ill prob put some smaller lights down low


Well-Known Member
well just wanted to put an update of my plants stats. i put it on a 12/12 but nothing changed so i took the time down to 10/14 nd now its started to show flowers. let me know what you think how can i make the buds bigger? here are the pics click to enlarge.


Weed Guy

Master Roller
change it back to 12/12. That will be better for starters more light more bud....Use mollases in your water(search threads). Get a Co2 Dispenser...


Well-Known Member
all right will do see what happns and work on the co2. other then that do they look good for a 2 weeks or so of flowering


Well-Known Member
ok time for up dates. well its been about 8 weeks flowering and i think it geting to the end.
ive been useing mollass and it seems to work well the buds seemed to get abit larger and stickyer every time i used it.
my sis has tested a cuple peices, i cant right now trying to get a job, but she says that its a vary good high. its a constructive high like she wanted to go do stuff and them like a box of rocks she was tired lol. cant wait to try it.
ok well i got a question now the top cola look really really good but it dosent even seem close to being dont but all the leafs are turning yellow and falling off, so what can i do to help or is there anything i can do?
here are some pics, click them to make them bigger. thanks



Well-Known Member
i all ready know that buddy lol its just the progress of my plant but thanks it has been fun lol