Is It Legal To Sell Seeds In Canada Without Government Approval?


Active Member
Just like the title says, I'm curious to know if it's actually legal to sell seeds online in Canada, without government approval.

I know there is a law-or rather the Seeds Act-which seems to make clear that it is not legal to sell seeds without going through the proper government channels. But yet, so many online seedbanks exist; surely they are not all operating legally? Is there a loophole that these companies are aware of that I'm not?

I guess a better question is: If selling seeds in Canada without government approval is illegal, how do so many companies still exist? Is it really that the government just doesn't have the resources or the desire to stop them? What is the official punishment if they do bust the online retailers?

These Canadian seed banks must be making crazy amounts of cash. From my limited understanding, a single marijuana plant can produce huge numbers of seeds. Multiply that number by $5-20 each and we're talking serious cash!

Just to be clear, I'm not against these retailers! I love browsing the seed banks and imagining the possibilities...It's easy to get locked into a serious seed collection!


Active Member
I saw a few sites mention that in their disclaimer...Is that actually a real loophole, or are they just trying to cover their rear-ends?

I'm wondering because it seems almost crazy to not start a seedbank if that's all you need to get away with selling them. We should all be starting seed banks.

I'm sure it's easier said than done, but seems crazy to me that more people aren't doing it, given the amount of money to be made!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could find it again but I once found a shop selling expensive ass gourmet bird seeds.. I laughed at first and thought wtf seriously... but then realized they had all the hot flavors birds like. gg4, wedding cake, cookies, og's etc. lol


Active Member
I wish I could find it again but I once found a shop selling expensive ass gourmet bird seeds.. I laughed at first and thought wtf seriously... but then realized they had all the hot flavors birds like. gg4, wedding cake, cookies, og's etc. lol
Ha ha, I love it!


Active Member
So the take-away I'm getting here is that these seed banks are maybe operating legitimately, at least until the government of Canada seals off any loopholes.

Now I'm wondering how hard it is to come up with some original and reliable strains....I guess marketing plays a huge role in any product as well.

Don't think my personal 3' x 4' grow tent could supply enough seeds to make a business but it sure has me wondering! If only my wife would let me have a whole room dedicated to growing, I would be a happy man :)