Is It Legal Federally To Sell Seeds?

Unless you know the said female is not known to pass on hermi traits, it is true....and with todays many fast to the market hybrids, makes it even more so....

Properly feminized seeds to not turn a plant into a hermi. Nor does making a plant hermi change its genetics. Even female plants from stable regular beans have the capability to produce male flowers. Which most will do naturally if allowed to go past prime ripeness. its natures way of survival. Simply you cannot force a plant to do something that its not already genetically disposed to do.....

One other popular way of producing fem beans if to let the desired female plant ripen past prime until it pops some male flowers to reproduce. Its final effort to pro create and survive. You end up with pollen that shoud produce mainly female off spring and some weed thats stoney ass fuck.

i agree w/ pretty much all of this ^

the part in bold i strongly agree w/
I guess no-no was a bit strong as was making hermi beans. Should have 'Beware' when using Fem moms from fem beans, as can will increase your beans chances of being hermis. And also the chance for this trait to show up in later generations bred from them. Not all attemps using a femmed plant for breeding will turn out foul, just adds another variable to your breeding program. Look at Barneys first public release of Tangerine Dream, hermi city. Paradises Burmese Kush also suffered this...
I guess no-no was a bit strong as was making hermi beans. Should have 'Beware' when using Fem moms from fem beans, as can will increase your beans chances of being hermis. And also the chance for this trait to show up in later generations bred from them. Not all attemps using a femmed plant for breeding will turn out foul, just adds another variable to your breeding program. Look at Barneys first public release of Tangerine Dream, hermi city. Paradises Burmese Kush also suffered this...

i didnt know paradise makes buku....did they discontinue it?
While forced fem seeds are no harm to the gene pool, I personally feel that mixing ruderalis with cannabis could eventually do some damage.

Just the other day I saw a post of someone saying they were going to cross there autoflower with an OG to try and get more potency, If those beans are passed on and bred with the ruderalis gene could be passed on.

For those autoflower fans who will start hating, I understand you want to get a harvest quicker or to harvest more times in one season, but dont you think quality should come first?

Fem seeds will not pass down a hermy trait unless that plant was a hermy to begin with. Natural Selection people look it up.
Autos are crossed with ruderalis and do have less thc, but they're nice and convenient for some... plus the thc drop isn't that much.

I don't know if this has already been suggested but you will probably have to start a company offshore where seeds are legal. Say Amsterdam. That will be your hq, you pay your taxes and get paid there. Obviously you'll wire the money to yourself. If you are abiding Amsterdam's laws and paying taxes then you could probably start an offshoot company, or a US expansion with a different name. Make it less conspicuous, and pay your taxes here. Only way I could think of doing it.
In reality the ability to hermie is a good trait, maybe not for what we want, but for the shows that particular plant has the ability to save itself..Under harsh conditions some plants will hermie so that they can live on after they die through the seeds they produce...I say hooray for hermies...

back on topic, selling seeds would be illegal federally although under federal law medical marijuana is still really the DEA can bust ya anyway...regardless of what may or may not have been done by our Prez...I say do what you want, some people get caught and some don't...but if you started a business that did well you would get busted for sure...the best way to do it would be to deal with people you know, or only a few people that would be interested in buying your seeds, any big business with online ordering and what not would draw attention, or word the site really strange so you are sending something else, or people are ordering something else and there just happens to be a weed seed in there...kinda the hide the seeds in a shirt thing but better..have people order a certain shirt to get a certain seed, and for all those not in the "know" you are a super successful themed shirt seller...There are always legal ways to do illegal things, just depends on your ability to get your customers to keep your mouths shut----which is usually impossible...
Just wondering, what are these genetics that you're gonna feature? Got any game plan for that? I think you might want to think of 5-7 strains to debut with, all of which being pretty unique (don't just cross famous breeder's strains with other famous breeders strains) before you go about thinking of the legal edge. It takes a few years to develop a strain that you can truly call your own, it isn't something you can do overnight. Just some things to think about before you jump into a business.
Come on guys. This thread has nothing to do with a fem seed going hermi. This guy just wants to know how to start a seed company in the u.s. You guys have turned this thread into a dumpster by random. Cut the bull shit and at least try to help this guy out rather than clogging his thread with this shit. STAY HIGH!!!
I want to start a legit business selling seeds and in order to do so i will need to pay taxes to the state and federal government. Just wondering if anyone has dne the same thing and if the federal government allows this to happen.

why is this in "advanced marijuana cultivation"?
when you make feminized beans, you ARE altering genetics to a degree as your offspring won't have "true" male genetics and you will have offspring that are more hermie prone and likely more prone to genetic waning as well due to the extreme inbreeding. that's the whole purpose of regular male female breeding... to re-shuffle genetics. that's why when you cross two different strains you get "hybrid vigor". the longer you inbreed any strain, the more defects you'll wind up with.

personally, i don't like feminized seeds for those reasons. they're a roadblock to breeding programs, PARTICULARLY if you have two strains that are only available as fems. they're a great convenience for those who can't be bothered to flip their plants and sex them, but when one turns hermie on you and you don't see it, they become more trouble than they're worth.

properly bred plants are going to be healthier in the long run. too much inbreeding, and you get royal families prone to disease.
best way to get fem seeds is letting ur crop ripe for a long time like said earlier in thread. male sack pops out with all fem genes, you take that pollen and mix it with a different female. im sure some people will go and mix that pollen with a cutting of that exact plant which i think can turn out defects and a slight chance of hermis. now if u mixed it with a female of different genotype then your seeds will be flawless fems, an this is to my understanding.
To answer the original question, it is explicitly against Federal law to possess VIABLE cannabis seeds.

So no. . .you can't legally sell or even possess viable cannabis seeds ANYWHERE in the USA. I think there may be one "carve out" exception specifically for the possession of viable hemp seeds IF (and only if) you are a licensed hemp grower, but this effectively doesn't apply to anyone.

Now, that said, are there individuals within the USA who do business selling seeds on the black market? Yes, of course there are.

Can you buy seeds at certain medical dispensaries within the USA? Again, yes.

Can the Feds come in and arrest any of the above on Federal drug charges at any time of their choosing? Yes.

Bottom line, existing Federal law is the reason why there is no equivalent of "Attitude seedbank" within the USA!

On "hermies", lets start with one basic fact: **ALL** cannabis plants (male or female) retain the genetic ability to create male or female flowers. This is hard-coded into their DNA.

What "matters" to most growers is that the TENDENCY to EXPRESS this genetic ability has been selectively bred out of MOST commercial marijuana strains, because its undesirable in plants raised for "medical" purposes.

But given the appropriate conditions (usually chemically induced stress) ANY female plant can "go hermie".

This debate goes on and on on this board, but to my knowledge there is absolutely no genetic reason why the offspring of a female plant chemically stressed to "go hermie" will themselves be any more likely to "go hermie" than the two parent plants. That's because, being created via usual sexual propagation, the offspring should not contain any new or different genetic information than the two parents. If the parent plants are both "hermie-resistant" then all seeds created from the parent plants should be as well.

On the other hand, if one or both of the parent plants are "hermie-prone", the offspring can be too. Note that plenty of NON "feminized" strains are "hermie-prone". Having conventional seeds does not protect against the development of hermaphrodite plants; good proper genetics does.
when you make feminized beans, you ARE altering genetics to a degree as your offspring won't have "true" male genetics
Of course they won't have "true" male genetics. . .they'll be all female and won't have ANY "male" genetics!

But *ALL* their DNA will still come from the mother and hermie-father plants the same as a conventional male/female cross. You won't be introducing any new genetic material that wasn't there to begin with. Nor will you be omitting any genetic material that "should" be there.

Imagine crossing an XX female with an XY female. . .you have a 50-50% chance of getting XY male or XX female offspring.
Now imagine crossing an XX female with another XX female. . .you have a 100% chance of getting XX offspring.
That's effectively what happens when you cross a female with a "hermie" female plant. Basically you're just taking the Y chromosome out of the mix. All remaining genes should be unaltered.

you will have offspring that are more hermie prone
Why? Since the tendency to express both gender flowers is controlled by a set of pre-existing genes, this simply doesn't make genetic sense.
If the offspring contain the same genes that the parents do (and they should) why should they be any more (or less) likely to go hermie?

and likely more prone to genetic waning as well due to the extreme inbreeding.
OK, so THIS is a valid point.
If you're doing repeated self-crosses, you can cause expression of normally silent extreme recessive traits, or amplify mutations.
So these are good reasons not to continually inbreed the same plant over many generations.

Another point is that some breeders simply create feminized seeds as a way to perpetuate what amount to unstable "clone only" lines. They're fundamentally not strong breeders with not strong stock. Their feminized seeds are weak not because the process creates weakness, but because using the process is the RESULT of weakness!

properly bred plants are going to be healthier in the long run. too much inbreeding, and you get royal families prone to disease.
That's exactly right.