Is it just me?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i have noticed lately that there seems to be a lot more smart ass comments being made lately.
I've seen it in numerous threads, where someone would just pop in and make smart comment then not say anything else. A good example is a thread i started while ago. I just asked a simple question.. Am i close to harvest cause i'm down to my last jar.
All the plants are within 2wks max of being ready, with some borderline ready now. I get acpl responses telling to me to "man up"... Act like an adult.. WTF
I could understand if it would have been a thread where someone asks when will it be done? or how much will i yield? and they put up a pic of a 4in plant thats not even out of the seedling stage. But damn those plants are close and i felt like it was a legitimate question.
Just doing a lil venting, but it does seem like a lot of it going around..
Or, is it just me?



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i have noticed lately that there seems to be a lot more smart ass comments being made lately.
I've seen it in numerous threads, where someone would just pop in and make smart comment then not say anything else. A good example is a thread i started while ago. I just asked a simple question.. Am i close to harvest cause i'm down to my last jar.
All the plants are within 2wks max of being ready, with some borderline ready now. I get acpl responses telling to me to "man up"... Act like an adult.. WTF
I could understand if it would have been a thread where someone asks when will it be done? or how much will i yield? and they put up a pic of a 4in plant thats not even out of the seedling stage. But damn those plants are close and i felt like it was a legitimate question.
Just doing a lil venting, but it does seem like a lot of it going around..
Or, is it just me?

You're absolutely right,a lot of people sit behind their comp all day like nerds,trying to show how smart they are and post in a manner that more than likely reflects the opposite of their true selves.I try to be as genuine as possible.i am who i am....................don't let the dumb fucks get to you.GL.peace


Ursus marijanus
Nick, if you're referring to Tip Top, he's a good fellow. It is my estimation that he was giving you the guypunch in the arm: apparently aggressive but actually a sign of regard. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Nick, if you're referring to Tip Top, he's a good fellow. It is my estimation that he was giving you the guypunch in the arm: apparently aggressive but actually a sign of regard. Jmo. cn
Yea, that may be true.If he was, i truly apologize and will even pm him to say so.
It's just that i've seen so many smart comments in threads then those 2 popped up . Could very well have been taken the wrong way, and if so. I will be the first to admit that i was wrong.
I know its not an excuse, but been having probs with my back lately and bout out of smoke. These percocets the dr gave me, do nothing but make me ill as hell thats why i dont like taking them and prefer the smoke.
Thanx for the advice.


Ursus marijanus
Oh I get it about Percocet, and about the sort of pain that makes you take'm.
I have a friend who also relies on the combo of narcotics and Indica to deal with chronic (!) pain. What [...] found is that just a bit of weed, really a toke a day, much improves the painkilling ability of the narcotics. I'm guessing you can do the same.
And fwiw your plants looked quite good to me, and that last one is close to done. Best luck. cn


Well-Known Member
Thanx for comment on the plants. I try not to take the percs at all, only when absolutely needed. I catch hell every now and then from my dr for not filling all the scripts he gives.


Ursus marijanus
Thanx for comment on the plants. I try not to take the percs at all, only when absolutely needed. I catch hell every now and then from my dr for not filling all the scripts he gives.
In some ways, that's a healthy attitude. i can no longer use the narcotics, and today was a migraine day.

Especially with weed on board, you can take low doses (10 to 20 mg active a day) and get a real edge taken off the pain and still be unlikely to risk the slippery slope of addiction, or experience the drugged sensation that comes from high doses. You'll be the best judge of that. I recommend keeping a log (as simple as writing on a calendar) of how much taken when, and perhaps to what effect. cn


Well-Known Member
I've been running into more than my share of snarky Australians lately. Maybe there's a plague or drought
or something down under stirring up the Aussie growers.



Well-Known Member
In some ways, that's a healthy attitude. i can no longer use the narcotics, and today was a migraine day.

Especially with weed on board, you can take low doses (10 to 20 mg active a day) and get a real edge taken off the pain and still be unlikely to risk the slippery slope of addiction, or experience the drugged sensation that comes from high doses. You'll be the best judge of that. I recommend keeping a log (as simple as writing on a calendar) of how much taken when, and perhaps to what effect. cn
Excellent idea. Don't know from experience about migraines, but have heard they can be really be rough.
I sent tip top a pm apologizing if i took his comments the wrong way. Not on here to get in a pissing match with anyone. Just trying to learn all i can and help out when i can.
Thanx again for helping get my head on straight.


Active Member
I agree, there are alot bad attitudes on here, mostly kids I would say. And yeah Nick88, go as easy as you can with those narcotics. Thats a hard row to hoe once you're in its grips.
Now, let the RIU popularity contest continue. :wall:


Sector 5 Moderator
You should see the staff section. Geez! A year ago it was really a lot worse but things have gotten much better since then. The mods took a LOT of heat in the beginning, trying to make it a more civil place; but you're always gonna have haters.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed this over the years, that joking in text form doesn't come through to some folks. You can't hear the snarkiness or sarcasm in the voice so the tone is completely missed on people's funny receptors. Or people have turned into complete dicks. I would believe either one at this point in life. Haters gonna hate, snitches gonna snitch.


Well-Known Member
ya this will probably end up like all the other dead end boards online...hope not far this has been a good one...


Well-Known Member
Yea, that may be true.If he was, i truly apologize and will even pm him to say so.
It's just that i've seen so many smart comments in threads then those 2 popped up . Could very well have been taken the wrong way, and if so. I will be the first to admit that i was wrong.
I know its not an excuse, but been having probs with my back lately and bout out of smoke. These percocets the dr gave me, do nothing but make me ill as hell thats why i dont like taking them and prefer the smoke.
Thanx for the advice.
I agree with the bear, Tip Top is not 'that way'
I think you just read too much into it, but no harm, no foul. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yea, that may be true.If he was, i truly apologize and will even pm him to say so.
It's just that i've seen so many smart comments in threads then those 2 popped up . Could very well have been taken the wrong way, and if so. I will be the first to admit that i was wrong.
I know its not an excuse, but been having probs with my back lately and bout out of smoke. These percocets the dr gave me, do nothing but make me ill as hell thats why i dont like taking them and prefer the smoke.
Thanx for the advice.
I know what ya mean about the meds, the last time I was in the hospital for my heart, they would give me morphine through an IV before they would come do my dressing change on my ulcers, and that didn't even take the edge off, and when they released me, I don't remember what they tried to give, but I ended up talking the doc into going down a notch or two to Percoset and the other was Codeine, but I knew those didn't do much either, and planned on, and did save them for almost a year for my back.
Many years ago, I tore up my back, had 2 herniated discs and a torn hamstring.
Whole on disability, some kid rear ended my while in my buddy's little Nissan, had I been in my truck it wouldn't have been a big deal, he would have just gone under, but being in the little car, I got a pinched nerve added in.
I'm not big on the pills, as I have never found anything they give to help much, but the way they affect me, I can't understand how people get addicted to them.
Personally, I have better luck when my knees or back starts acting up taking about 4 Aleve, and 4 or more shots of Single Barrel.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 twisted vertebrae and a herniated disc. My problem is usually the vert will jump out of line and cause the surrounding tissue to swell along with the irritation to the sciatic nerve. The dr gives me percs and an anti-inflamatory for it.
I just hate taking meds cause most of them do more long term damage. Ibuprofen which is anti-inflammatory, and acetaminophen both destroy the liver.


Ursus marijanus
I have 2 twisted vertebrae and a herniated disc. My problem is usually the vert will jump out of line and cause the surrounding tissue to swell along with the irritation to the sciatic nerve. The dr gives me percs and an anti-inflamatory for it.
I just hate taking meds cause most of them do more long term damage. Ibuprofen which is anti-inflammatory, and acetaminophen both destroy the liver.
Ibu isn't hard on the liver, but as an Nsaid is hard on the stomach. The worrisome side effect there is gastric bleeding/ulceration.
Acetaminophen is only liver-toxic at heroic doses. Ten percocets or Vicodins a day are below the worryline mo ... for acetaminophen at least. cn