Easyvape digital? i like box style vapes personally. It's a lot easier to control airflow with a box style vs my extreme q which i have to really pull to get good vapor-flow. I also bought a 19mm gong adapter for my water pipes, it was about $15 on vaporborthers site. You could fit it to your whip and use your bongs/pipes. Personally i prefer vaping at a lower temp. I tend to stay away from the stoney effect and shoot for the high.
I totally agree with Bauks, I personally enjoy both combusting and vaporizing (not at the same time).
I think vaporizing is sick, but i have an extreme q for bags, magic flight, and vaporborthers for the water pipes. It's a nice experience especially to change up the way you vaporize. I think it keeps it interesting.
*link for the adapter, they carry 14/19mm.