is it harvest time *pics*


Active Member
hey i have my pics loaded on a site the pics are dated. the top pic was from the 10th and i predicted like about 2 weeks. the other pics below are from yesterday. my friend wants to harvest tomorrow but i think we should wait. some of the crystals are milky but i dont see any amber ones yet. i read trichrome color is the best way to tell. about 50% of them should be golden amber by harvest time right? i've already been using straight water no nutes for aout 2 weeks. i want thc levels to be at their peak. i dont want to wait too long and have too much cbv or whatever that other one is called. the strain is LA Confidential. my equipment is from htg supply. i use ffof and the ff nute trio. 400w mh. so what do you guys think? harvest tomorrow like my friends want, or wait another week or 2 when the trichromes hopefully turn an amber color? thanks everyone, any feedback is appreciated


Active Member
think they would get significantly bigger if i waited another week or 2? i want to try and convince my friend to wait.


Active Member
You'll thank yourself for having the patience to wait another 2 weeks, trust me. the buds will swell up, the pistils will turn brown/red and the trichs should be about where you want them. (But there's nothing wrong with pluckin' off a side bud or two with a quick cure to get an idea of how the high would be if you did harvest now.)

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
as everyone else is saying i would wait another week or maybe more.
wait untill atleast 65-75 percent of the triclomes are orange/brown thus giving you a better high and a better yield


Active Member
wait another 2 weeks man .
all of the tric's are still white .
why in the hell would he harvest now ?
your just hurting your yield and giving yourself a
not so good high .
if you want your plant at its FULL potential .
you or your friend will wait a week , two weeks at the most.


Active Member
ok thanks guys. just as i thought, going to wait another week or 2. my friend and i are very anxious but i know patience is very important. im going to tell them we have to wait for full potential and it would be foolish to cut at this point. this one bud looks very close and maybe we'll just cut that one tonight to get an early taste.


Active Member
ok thanks guys. just as i thought, going to wait another week or 2. my friend and i are very anxious but i know patience is very important. im going to tell them we have to wait for full potential and it would be foolish to cut at this point. this one bud looks very close and maybe we'll just cut that one tonight to get an early taste.
yes very good decision.
cutting at it is fine , if your too anxious to wait .
but just wait until you harvest it at the right time .
the weed you pinched off of it now , compared to your harvest
will be drasticallly better.