Is it hard to grow clones?


Active Member
I saw a few OG clones for pretty damn cheap. $25 per clone but I have no experience with them. They're rooted and everything. What do you guys suggest I should start them off in and what type of light is best. Would like to have it low key and low power. Thanks


Well-Known Member
It's actually stupidly easy. Back before I grew cannabis, I always called it "Rooting from Cutting." You'll need a cup of water, sharp scissors, and lights.

1 ) Find a branch that looks healthy and that has at least three nods (Tip! Each pair of leaves grows from a nod).
2 ) Cut roughly a half inch to one inch behind the last nod.
3 ) Cut off all side branches on the 2nd and 3rd nod.
4 ) The top leaves should remain, but it helps to cut the tips off.
5 ) Dip in rooting hormone (completely optional).
6 ) Place in cup of water. and put under lights.
7 ) Change out the water daily.
8 ) Wait 2-3 weeks for roots to appear.

Additional Tips:

- A 100W or 200W CFL @ 2-3 inches from leaves works great
- Don't add any nutrients (including Superthrive) or additives.
- Tap or city water is fine.
- pH is not important at this stage.
- Sterilize scissors with rubbing alcohol before using
- Like wounds, clean & quick cuts heal faster
- Thicker stems take longer to root then thinner ones
- If its green and standing up, it's alive
- It's normal for some yellowing to occur on the leaves. Usually happens at week 2 & 3.
- Avoid exposing the area where roots will grow to light.
- Fast food cups with black tape over the plastic lid work great.
- Changing the water daily is required unless you use an air stone to oxygenate the water.


Whatever you want to put it in should be good. I'm guessing it's in like a rockwool cube already right, not bare roots? Coco coir is great medium to use, you don't have to worry about over feeding quite as much. But good old dirt works too

george xxx

Active Member
good old dirt works too
Dirt or good soil mix is a better choice for anyone without growing experience. Coco offers a boat load of feeding problems if you are not prepared for growing in Coco.

pretty damn cheap. $25 per clone
Surely you can't be serious. That would make growing & selling weed to appear somewhat labor intense with little profit. At that rate a good healthy plant can produce a lot more than buds are worth.


Active Member
lol well now im a noob? :( yes thank you very much vindicated even though it wasn't what I was asking for. as for georgexxx idk what your talking about dude ?__?
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
$25 for rooted clones is cheap. Look for clones with a bit of real light green/yellow in the center of new
buds. That's a sign the clone is growing on it's own, a good thing.

Nothing grows faster than a rooted clone. You should see an inch a day growth real soon. I've just started
experimenting with clones. I got a batch of 9 rooted from the same mother so 7 are in vegging and 2 went straight
into my 1000W flowering room. I'm keeping them in tiny pots just 7-inches square, maybe 3 quarts? Want to see
for myself if this immediate 12/12 craze includes clones too.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
keep us posted on those results man, iam questioning the whole 12/12 from start with clones too and iam hella interested in what you find out!!!


Well-Known Member
My man, Clones are simple. Easier to manage than seedlings if you ask me. If they are rooted clones they will take off. I say you put them in some Fox Farms But thats just me. If you need a place to go, just pm me. Im sure you got this, if you can grow a seedling, you can definitely run shit with a clone. And where in the world can you find OG clones down here? Seems you may be more connected than I.. If the leaves are perky and green, you are doing your job. If you have any further questions, again, pm me


Active Member
do you know some good strains that dig the 12/12 from start method?? I know there are quite a bit of strains out there that just flat out arnt gonna have any good results with a 0 day veg due to the genetics... mostly been look'n round here but not to many people are down with the 12/12 method so it makes it a bit hard to find strains that make it worth the plant


Well-Known Member
I saw a few OG clones for pretty damn cheap. $25 per clone but I have no experience with them. They're rooted and everything. What do you guys suggest I should start them off in and what type of light is best. Would like to have it low key and low power. Thanks
lol they are already rooted bro. What's the issue? It took me some time to learn to clone my plants.. but now I do it effortlessly. Everything is like that.. you start off learning something in life it's always hard.. then when you can do it, it becomes something that you don't even think about.


Well-Known Member
i kept mine in t5's for about the first month. but after they are rooted you can bump it up to full sun if you want...but start out in a shaded area first to harden them off. same with indoors. slowly raise the lumens so you don't shock em.


Well-Known Member
lol they are already rooted bro. What's the issue? It took me some time to learn to clone my plants.. but now I do it effortlessly. Everything is like that.. you start off learning something in life it's always hard.. then when you can do it, it becomes something that you don't even think about.
Awesome. I agree and awe.. that's some deep shit man, hahaha.
<-- should you dare to try cloning yourself, here's a tutorial I made on CHEAP cloning (lol, that's a bad joke--> cloning Cannabiz extremely easy.) You wouldn't have to buy those puppies for 25$ and you could root many of them to experiment with or whatnot. Flowering from start on the store purchased clones will work fine, remember that this plant at least thinks that it is a month(s), or 2, old. Also remember that plants double TO triple in sized from the time flowering begins until harvest, so use that to help judge when to 'flip' your lights, or begin flowering. If you flower a 4" (or so) tall clone immediately you will usually get 1 central main cola for harvest, doing this will give you plants that are grown SOG (Sea Of Green, ;)) style, so you might as well get a good light, flower the clones immediately and shove as many of those sunbitches as you can possibly fit beneath your available lights, run all them sunbitches!!!.... Woo!


Well-Known Member
i kept mine in t5's for about the first month. but after they are rooted you can bump it up to full sun if you want...but start out in a shaded area first to harden them off. same with indoors. slowly raise the lumens so you don't shock em.
This is exactly right, you will also hear the same things from legendary growers such as Jorge Cervantes and Greg Green... Though, with that in mind- throughout the summer I rooted cuttings, transplanted them into soil cups, vegged them for 2 weeks indoors and then shoved every one of them straight outside with no hardening-off or anything. They didn't skip a beat, I could tell a pretty significant difference the next day even; it's not worth the risk though, all varieties and plants/phenos, et.c etc. may not do that and you don't want to risk it on clones you paid good money for when you can prevent any messes by hardening them off like the veterans say.