Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?


hello everyonee. i have been hearin its better to water at night because it doesnt make small magnifying glasses from the water drops, but people also say that you have to have an exact focal point that cant be made with water drops. so does anyone have info or comments, because if so i wanna feed tonight! i have diluted water with ferts in it sooo yeahhh.
yeah i feed about every three days or so, and the bottom shade leaves are completely yellow and r soon fallin off cause i dont wanna pluck em. lol wanna keep it natural.
roots grow at night when its cool and leaves grow when there is sunlight to make into chloryphal, 6co2+6h2o +o2+......
I fed at night when the roots and starting to search for food.

and I pull my fan leaves around the 7-8th week.
Ya my ladies are drinking about 10 gallons a day it seems like. I pull the dead/dieing stuff off on sight just to prevent anything that could possible come from it. Prolly not a big deal at all tho. Any pics?
i will take some in the morning for ya, they are gettin another set of seven now im so excited, this is my first grow ive ever had. im already hooked on it. thanks everyone for the helpful info
i like the day when they need it the most. i have had wilted plants leaves drooping and all. And perk up in ten minutes of watering so i wouldn't let my plant go all day if it was thirsty just to wait for evening.
I like the breakfast statement.
If you have easy access to them then it doesnt really matter. But if they are in a remote spot then always water/feed at sundown, this stops evapouration of your precious water from the hot sun , by morn the plant has got most of it, not the sun.
In my climate I water in morning and feed at night. Do what works best for your ladies and keep learning and evolving until you/ their satisfied.
its best to feed and water in the mornin about an hour before the sun comes up, the cell receptors are open the most at this time. think of it like this, what happens when u eat late at night right before u go to sleep? ur metobolism is slowed down and ur body doesnt process it. when u eat in the mornin ur body uses that food throughout the day, plants are the same. gardening is a mornin sport, except for transplantin which is the only thing that should be done at night, imo.
On indoors do it during day time. But outdoors can be tricky. Check it. If you live in a hot climate as i do in the nw panhandle of oklahoma. Feed at night. And water during the day. Feeding during the day or morning before the sun comes up is ok. But you gotta remember the sun and the heat are drying the soil before the roots can get to it. You keep feeding during the day eventually you will end up blasting your plants with too much nutes. But if the climate is usually in the 80s feed as normal. It can get 100 here easy. Everyone stop acting like you're plants. Plants are different. You eating at midnight is different than a plant.
On indoors do it during day time. But outdoors can be tricky. Check it. If you live in a hot climate as i do in the nw panhandle of oklahoma. Feed at night. And water during the day. Feeding during the day or morning before the sun comes up is ok. But you gotta remember the sun and the heat are drying the soil before the roots can get to it. You keep feeding during the day eventually you will end up blasting your plants with too much nutes. But if the climate is usually in the 80s feed as normal. It can get 100 here easy. Everyone stop acting like you're plants. Plants are different. You eating at midnight is different than a plant.
Watering at night can cause guttation which can possibly lead to budrot in late flower. Best to do in the early morning from my experience.
Watering at night can cause guttation which can possibly lead to budrot in late flower. Best to do in the early morning from my experience.
This is true but like i said hot and dry here. Been thru 3 grows feeding at night. Hadnt had a problem with budrot. If i was in say oregon for sure budrot. Agreed