Is it better to dig a hole and put soil in the hole or dig a hole and use a plant pot


Active Member
Very shortly i'll be buying the stuff to do my outdoor grow and already found my secret spots but I don't know weather it's better to dig a nice hole and refill with better soil or dig a hole the size of a plant pot and stick a pot in the hole and grow that way.


Active Member
well if you wanna be moving them around if somebody sees them then i would leave them in a pot,but if that ant the problem then through them in the ground to maximize your yield.


Active Member
i dig a whole fill it with my soil and then also build raised beds which is above ground 12 inches. like so042111142319.jpg
SN850450.jpg this plant is in its raised bed but under it i dug a hole 3 foot deep by 2x2 wide i ended up with 1.5 lbs of Green Crack off her!


Active Member
Directly to the ground unless you can water them when needed . Burring them in hole help if there are in containers but above ground and if you can't water them absolutely the ground.