Is it at all practical to grow in a dorm room?


Active Member
I know this might seem like a stupid question, but in my dorm there is a decent amount of closet space and under-bed storage. The odor would be my biggest concern along with the size of the plants. Would I be able to effectively mask the smell almost completely, and how small could the plants be to still get a decent harvest? I'm looking to use this exclusively for a personal stash and maybe sharing with friends, so i'd only be dealing with one or two plants, three at most. I'm also not looking to spend a ridiculous amount of money on masking the smell. I'm mainly just trying to see if this is a feasible idea. Also, my roommate knows about this and is fine with it.

What kind of bud would you recommend I grow with a very limited space such as this? I was looking into lowryder but it seems to be out of stock from any reputable sellers.

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
can you tell us the grow size you have got? whot can you spend? and can the grow room be seeld off?


Well-Known Member
Growing in a door room sounds scarey to me. The buildings owner has the right to come in anytime they want with or without you being present. I remember they raided my dorm once and found 1 pound of LEGAL herb and about 4 hightimes magazines. I had to spend the night locked up while they "analyzed the herb".

Thankfully they didnt find my stash that was rolled up in the top of a liquid tide bottle. I remember this day very well, it was the day I met my wife 12+ years ago. When I got out of the holding tank we rolled the whole 3/4 OZ up in one giant blunt using two phillies.


Well-Known Member
that shit is mighty risky man. just like the man above me said, they can enter at any time for any reason. you're better off waiting until you can get an apartment preferably off campus.


Well-Known Member
I got kicked out of the dorm just for smoking weed. The RHD walked in on me and a friend while we were hitting a bowl. He called it a bong, which I thought was funny, but he also called campus cops, which I didn't think was so funny.

They view pot as a scourge here. Stupid cops let all my roommates go and throw away their alchohol before they came to do the search, but no mercy for me the evil pothead.

Growing in a dorm just doesn't sound like a good idea at all. Too much traffic, too many authorities. It's like trying to grow in prison. Wait til you get an apartment.


Well-Known Member
yeah doesnt seem like a smart idea i waited to do it just so i wouldnt have plants in an apartment i would be to nervous to do itin a dorm but good luck with everything



Active Member
I dont plan, if at all, to grow openly in my room. Most likely it would in a small area of a closet or a cabinet within a closet- around 30"X24"X20"

Yeah, realizing that campus police can search my room at any time, this doesn't seem like a sound idea at all, although I'm still open to trying it until the smell becomes obvious or something. As for that I'm thinking one of those negative ion carbon air filters with a fan along with either a plug-in air freshener running 24/7 or one of those small "ionic breeze" outlet sized air purifiers. The room couldnt be sealed off because of the obvious need for use of the room by my roommate and I, but I'm looking to spend no more than around half of what it would cost to just buy what these plants would yield. Somewhere around $100-$125 is my target budget.

This is kind of side-tracking the topic, but I've already resolved never to smoke in my room. My campus has a ton of unoccupied outdoor space, so that's one risk I'm able to avoid.


Well-Known Member
Just remember by the time you can smell it, it could be too late...You get used to that nice aroma and wont notice it much, but there can be someone across the hall that will smell the shit right away...Man i can go outside and not smell it if someone is smoking out back but my wife can smell it a mile away...And there are alot of campuses that invite the good old police with scoobby tagging along just to sweep the dorms. But most colleges have there own scoobys now days anyway..Not a wise move man...


Well-Known Member
so get 5 or 6 cfl,s about 30-42watts so no heat probs? i have a d-ion air filter and it works well,,but a carbon filter is lots beter, then set it up, just dont tell any one,,,,


Well-Known Member
so get 5 or 6 cfl,s about 30-42watts so no heat probs? i have a d-ion air filter and it works well,,but a carbon filter is lots beter, then set it up, just dont tell any one,,,,
Remember that fan noises can be a big giveaway in itself..


Active Member
thanks for all the advice guys, i appreciate it (both the discouragement and encouragement). as for the fan noise, i emailed a guy that specializes in carbon filters and hydroponic supplies on ebay and he said that the smaller type fans that are meant for small spaces emit a high pitched noise that is kind of out of the ordinary, but his slightly larger models use standard room fans that blend in very well. So, rethinking my budget I probably have around $200 to spend at most given the air filters will run me about $70-80 as that's one area I don't want to skimp on quality.

Is there any particular type of bud you guys would suggest growing? I was thinking that regardless of type, I could just continually prune the top off so the stem would become strong and then let it veg a little until I want to flower it. Would this work fine or is there still some particular types that are good for growing indoors in small places?

And yeah, my roommate is a trustworthy guy with his share of contraband in our room, so I wouldn't expect him to tell a soul and I don't plan on letting anyone know either.


Active Member
As great as you might think it is to grow in your room, don't.

Honestly, just don't. There are way too many risks involved for you being at college. Not worth getting kicked out of school to grow marijuana. People will find out somehow, no matter how quiet you two are.

Move off campus to an apartment then do it. But don't ever do it while living in a dorm. It's one of the stupidest things you can probably do (other than smoking in your room).


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the advice guys, i appreciate it (both the discouragement and encouragement). as for the fan noise, i emailed a guy that specializes in carbon filters and hydroponic supplies on ebay and he said that the smaller type fans that are meant for small spaces emit a high pitched noise that is kind of out of the ordinary, but his slightly larger models use standard room fans that blend in very well. So, rethinking my budget I probably have around $200 to spend at most given the air filters will run me about $70-80 as that's one area I don't want to skimp on quality.

Is there any particular type of bud you guys would suggest growing? I was thinking that regardless of type, I could just continually prune the top off so the stem would become strong and then let it veg a little until I want to flower it. Would this work fine or is there still some particular types that are good for growing indoors in small places?

And yeah, my roommate is a trustworthy guy with his share of contraband in our room, so I wouldn't expect him to tell a soul and I don't plan on letting anyone know either.
Man it sounds like you where already set on your answer, so all i can say now is good luck and i hope it works out. "but the odds are stacked against you"...But hey what the hell do we know, besides we have been there and done that..


Well-Known Member
Man it sounds like you where already set on your answer, so all i can say now is good luck and i hope it works out. "but the odds are stacked against you"...But hey what the hell do we know, besides we have been there and done that..
The man speaks 100% truth. Honestly man, just go out and buy $200 worth of weed and scrap that idea till you got your own place. i know the feeling of wanting to grow weed so badly that it doesn't matter how short u come up. But if you think logically, your not only throwing your money away on some high tech filter, your gonna have to look after them VERY well to even break even with that $200 filter(which wont happen unless you drop another $200 on an HPS) then again it would be a huge fire hazard.

Also, You have to remember, if you get caught they will show you no mercy at ALL, you will be kicked out of your school and lose all the money invested in your classes, a criminal Record also, your permanent record so the chances of you getting back into another school is slim and if you do they will have ur shit on lockdown.

So man, REALLY REALLY think this one out, you basically have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Just go out and grab lots of weed and enjoy.



Active Member
thanks for the advice. im really have seconds thoughts given all your points, because you're right that the desire to grow is really strong. On that note, I have about 4 or 5 bag seeds that i've been storing for a couple weeks. Should I decide to do this next year, how long do the seeds generally last in storage?


Active Member
dude listen to all of them, they are all right but not only what all that they said but think on how much power you would be using. Do you think that your school would not notice that? With all of the things that are all against you on this I say just buy it like they all said. Because what happens if someone from the school checked your room, smelled then herb and noticed that you have hardly any electronic devices running at all. They would add all of this shit up faster then you would think and before you even had the chance to get rid of the herb and all of the stuff you where growing with there would be the cops and you would be in jail for the intent to sell. I know that is not that plan but if you are growing that is what they think and that is what all of the jury would think also. If you live in a warmer area try to outdoor grow or some shit if not think that 1 out of 5 seeds will be able to be used next year but you could have more by then. They are not that hard to find.


Active Member
all the reasons for not going through with this are legit I must say.

the only thing on my side if law enforcement was ever to get involved is that i go to uc santa cruz. as some of you may know, the city of santa cruz has passed an ordinance putting marijuana on the lowest possible priority for cops. i know this doesn't help with campus police, but criminal charges are at least a lot more lenient here. Hell, i live an hour north in the bay area and have been caught twice by police smoking in public and the most thats happened has been them telling me to stop smoking and leave the area.


Well-Known Member
There are still so many way for them to bust you in a dorm which you can't control. Our dorm always had idiots pulling the fire alarm in the middle of the night. One time when we were in the middle of one of these false alarms, they decided to do a mini search of some of the rooms. They found someone's stash and kicked him out of the dorm too.

The campus residence board actually had more power than the cops in my school. They had an agreement with the police that they would handle any matters with their students FIRST, before handing them to the police. I figure they did this for damage control if some rich kid got busted who's parents were big donators, they might forget they saw anything illegal.