Is it a deficiency?

Spider mites make your plant look faded, if you find webs spray them, 1g water dawn blue dish soap, cannola oil, or veg. 1 or 2 tbsps, any hot spice like cayanne or paprika or chilli powder, keep shaking it as spraying, dont let oil seperate, mix oil and soap until even medium obtained. Add to sprayer. Essential oils? Lilock, garlic onion, oil will kill them, everything else is deterent. Bay leaves, can use almost anything. I usually make a tea outta the extras. Peppercorn too. Watch plant bc if you dont shake the end of bottle will look milky, not good will oil down plant cut off respiration and kill it. Rinse with soapy water if leaves look transpartish. Plant in center had spider mites.she looks faded out compared to healty plants. 20220511_024757.jpg
Rule 1 Wait for another member to give same diagnosis, or three to be safer.
Rule 2 Cal mag and two more weeks are common answers here.
Rule 3 Count on flower cycle to take 90 days so not dissapointed.
Rule 4 Grow how you want, enjoy and dont stress.
Rule 5 Growing should be fun this is rule 4 but so important l had to repeat it.
Rule 6 After growing your own, dont smoke shop weed if can help it. Crap all of it!
Rule 7 Watch plants and environment carefully. This can give you much experience.
Rule 8 Not everyone has same environmental stimulis, your grow is different from mine unless you live in same area, try to find ppl in your area, best tips this way.
Rule 8.5 Enjoying this plant is most important, also respecting it and the trouble it can bring to you.
Rule 9 Your grow not someone elses, therefor your rules! They can all fuck off if they dont like it. Goes for friends too, bc there the fucker who will rob you or set you up. How do l know this one? Lol!
Rule 10 Loose lips sink ships, lifer hommies might be ok but aquaintences no way!
Rule 11 Listen to good music when with plant, your singing might make cat jump from balcony but co2 is great growing stimulus for plants, so talk sing or hang with green friends.
Rule 12 No fucken rule 12 make it up as you go!
Tried to set some things in your head here, hope you take this serious. People get home invaded all the time. 5 fifteen year olds are more dangerous then 5 big men. I know how fucken crazy l was as a teen. Dont need that shit. We cool off after we age or we go to prison and cool off there. One or the other. Met many murderers in pennitentary, only met people who kill for convenience on the street. Keep that in mind, and keep grow within your use level as safer. Dont grow keys of shit bc it does go stale over time. Or rots bc not dry enough.
Thanks bro I just screenshotted this message I appreciate it
I actually spotted a bat like look creature on one of my stems I just sprayed all of my plants down with neem oil. Do u think that little fucker is what’s causing it ?


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Spider mites make your plant look faded, if you find webs spray them, 1g water dawn blue dish soap, cannola oil, or veg. 1 or 2 tbsps, any hot spice like cayanne or paprika or chilli powder, keep shaking it as spraying, dont let oil seperate, mix oil and soap until even medium obtained. Add to sprayer. Essential oils? Lilock, garlic onion, oil will kill them, everything else is deterent. Bay leaves, can use almost anything. I usually make a tea outta the extras. Peppercorn too. Watch plant bc if you dont shake the end of bottle will look milky, not good will oil down plant cut off respiration and kill it. Rinse with soapy water if leaves look transpartish. Plant in center had spider mites.she looks faded out compared to healty plants. View attachment 5131692
I have all organic stuff so I went and got organic pesticide I’m using neem oil.
Spider mites make your plant look faded, if you find webs spray them, 1g water dawn blue dish soap, cannola oil, or veg. 1 or 2 tbsps, any hot spice like cayanne or paprika or chilli powder, keep shaking it as spraying, dont let oil seperate, mix oil and soap until even medium obtained. Add to sprayer. Essential oils? Lilock, garlic onion, oil will kill them, everything else is deterent. Bay leaves, can use almost anything. I usually make a tea outta the extras. Peppercorn too. Watch plant bc if you dont shake the end of bottle will look milky, not good will oil down plant cut off respiration and kill it. Rinse with soapy water if leaves look transpartish. Plant in center had spider mites.she looks faded out compared to healty plants. View attachment 5131692
I wouldn't want to spray that stuff on my buds. But that's me.
I actually spotted a bat like look creature on one of my stems I just sprayed all of my plants down with neem oil. Do u think that little fucker is what’s causing it ?
I wanna see this bat creature. But since you're in Veg you have more options of what to use. Citric acid spray kills most shit and is cheap. It's actually one of the active ingredients in a bunch of pesticides. Then you could use oils if you want. But I'm not a big fan of Neem Oil. There's lots of organic stuff you can use.

Predators are always good too, but they don't want to be sprayed with that kinda shit, so if you get predators you want to spray first if you're going to spray.
I wanna see this bat creature. But since you're in Veg you have more options of what to use. Citric acid spray kills most shit and is cheap. It's actually one of the active ingredients in a bunch of pesticides. Then you could use oils if you want. But I'm not a big fan of Neem Oil. There's lots of organic stuff you can use.

Predators are always good too, but they don't want to be sprayed with that kinda shit, so if you get predators you want to spray first if you're going to spray.
It was a little nat* looking creature or fruit fly like bug , I would have search for a min it was so small. And ok so neem oil might not kill it is what your saying ? I’ll go check my closest stores and see what they have
It was a little nat* looking creature or fruit fly like bug , I would have search for a min it was so small. And ok so neem oil might not kill it is what your saying ? I’ll go check my closest stores and see what they have
I'm not a fan of neem smelling weed myself.
Don’t all sprays have a specific smell and by time it flowers won’t that natural smell take over
As stated, use citric acid. You can either make something yourself, or get Dr zymes.

If it truly looked like a bat, my guess would be an aphid, but need visual confirmation to know for sure. Get a scope and zoom in on those leaves. It makes insect identification much easier.
here’s a look at the leaves


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