Is it a boy or a girl? First grow


Active Member
Hello everyone. This is my first post, but I've been a lurker for a while. I'm having some trouble identifying the sex of one of my plants. I've looked at many pics online to try and help me out, but I'm pretty inexpierienced and I'm doubting myself. The plants have been flowering for 4 days in an aeroponic system, after vegging for 5 weeks. I'm using one 400 watt HPS light. (Also one 105 watt 3000 Kelvin compact Fluoro to add additional lighting in areas where the light competition is fierce.) Here are some pics I took...any help would be greatly appreciated. My first reaction was to call it a male, but then I've read that females have pods with "hairs" coming out of them, and that threw me for a loop. Anywho, thanks again!




Active Member
Thanks for the quick replies! I'm happy there's a consensus. I have five other plants in that room, and honestly, it was getting really cramped in there anyway. Some of my smaller plants have been fighting for light, and this male is most of the reason why. So I guess it works out okay. Thanks sooo much for your help everyone! This site rocks!



Well-Known Member
thats good to hear, i feel bad when people grow one plant and put all that time and energy into a male lol

males usually end up being the bigger faster growing ones