Is it a bad dream or what?! need your advice...


Active Member
Hi All,

So i had 4 plants (idk the seed type) 1month ago i saw 2 males and take them out from the closet.
i was switched to flowering 21 days a ago and this what i saw today =/ till now they looked really nice to me,
white hairs and good smell. but now after i saw this im not sure what to do :

So...are they 100% male? do i have any other option than stop the grow and start over when iv got female seed?
thanks for your help!



Well you could still smoke it......but ur probably better off starting over. Or you might be able to make some hash from it.


Well-Known Member
That really bites man :( I'm sorry those two males took down your ladies. I guess you could look at it from the standpoint you can now germinate several of those seeds and start over, but I definitely know how much time and nurturing you've put in on the ladies (former ladies) you have know. As far as what to do with the plants themselves, I agree, I would make some hash with them (after I let them grow out and produce some seeds and get a little more frosty but before they start goin south). Sorry man :(

Current Setup: 4x4x8 veg room, 8 x 100W equiv. CFL, approx. 250CFM in/out. 11 ladies growing in TGA Organic Soil with 1/3 TGA Super Soil bed.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad man. I had a few plants outside this past summer and one was a monster. Didn't even get full sun all day but massive. Ended up being a male. I was so mad. My other one was a damn runt and i got about 2 grams off it. Pathetic. Live and learn tho i guess. I'm prolly gonna just stick to fems now unless i do like 5 or more plants.


Well-Known Member
That really sucks. My first "successful" grow went down the same. I didn't realize that the tortured beast I cloned from had gone herm. In my case, the plants really didn't show it. At harvest i discovered the buds were full of seeds.

Would you have caught this one?