Is ISIS the true manifestation of Islam?

FTR, the skeptic in me thinks both Pauls are politicians. I believe daddy is purposefully taking the extreme position very publicly while his son gets to be a more moderate version of him. It's going to play well.
That was for the OP, but you always want to be CAPTAIN SAVE A HO

she's not a ho
FTR, the skeptic in me thinks both Pauls are politicians.

that must be why you speak of them like deities.

Ron Paul's legacy will be that he opened a lot of eyes concerning the methods of the Federal Reserve. The GOP was broken but will be better off because of his influence. He understood it was easier to infiltrate the GOP and bring it back to what it once stood for than to try to fight as a 3rd party in the a 2 party system.

Just mho but if there was RP on the left doing the same the country wins.

It looks like Rand Paul's questions that seemed to come out of left field to Clinton were spot on.

As far as defending Paul, his voting record is consistent enough toward individual liberty and freedom that we know he would favor equality in laws and limited government. In a Ron Paul world, he could be the biggest racist in the world but because of his libertarian leanings it would have no effect on his policies. Ya know he also believes in God but refuses to force this view on us.
FTR, the skeptic in me thinks both Pauls are politicians. I believe daddy is purposefully taking the extreme position very publicly while his son gets to be a more moderate version of him. It's going to play well.
Daddy Paul lost me with his segregation views. I'm sure his son views are the same.
Too bad because he had a couple of great ideas, but I guess even a broke clock can be right twice a day

I used to think the turtle was extreme in his isolationist approach. But if I think about it as non-intervention, I can't find fault.

Perpetual war sucks, it's a shame we have become so numb to killing people "over there".
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I would hope that Islamic nations would deal with ISIS.
but you say this is happening

There is a real problem with radical Muslim clerics preaching hate and Jihad to gullible young people and those just too dumb to know better. No disrespect intended but many Muslim clerics seem barely educated beyond the Qur'an themselves.

What would you do with all this you say happening
many thousands of ISIS style Muslims rampaging through the middle east, murdering innocent people, taking women as slaves, raping little girls, and just doing crazy shit.
I feel like the lone ranger. Am I the only one for butting out and coming home?

I can't wait till we have a republican in charge so my friends on the left will be against killing innocent people again.

You are not alone. We should butt out and come home from a lot of places.