is indiana alright?

I know its snowy over there.. but do anyone have fun over there? :p how's the people? Pot people live there? Drug free enviroment? The people treats faggys the same?


It's cool in indiana and yea there are plent of pot people.. Pretty good people in general, but yea this snow shit sucks lol


Well-Known Member
Indiana is awesome, half a gram of weed can get you up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.


Well-Known Member
Indiana is awesome, half a gram of weed can get you up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.
not too bad if you factor out the cost of this..

half a g of MJ $ 2.50-$7.50g and you get room/food/board for an entire year.. add the 5k in fee's you are looking at living for less then $5007.50 per year
comes out to about $420 per mo