is herbies head shop legit?


i recently ordered from herbies to get some seeds delivered and have no recieved them yet. only been 5 days but has anyone here goten seeds shiped? if so was it successful? thanks alot
Five buniness days to get mine. Check your freebies...the Carmello is cracked and anouther (silver haze) has been floating like a cork for 12 hours. have never had problems with Attitude freebies with the exception of Cole Train. I have never had a 12 hour floater germinate, if they sink in first 6 hours germination is at least 95%
This just reminded me that I have another order to make off of herbies... Thank you OP... I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached...
I've had two successful orders with them and great follow-up customer service when they sent the wrong item. It can take 10-12 days in transit, so be patient, you-ll get your seeds.