I understand that, but a lot of those go to services we all know and love and benefit from. It's not all a bad thing, it's a society. Our government is a total joke and they've squandered and continue to squander so much money it's just unimaginable practically. That needs to change, drastically.
But another thing that needs to change is the attitudes of the people, and it takes a shift in perspective to do that. If we're to have a society, if this country is to survive. It is literally doomed otherwise. These attitudes aren't even doing any good for US, and I include myself in that, I never claimed to have all the answers or solutions. Just ideas at best. This country is breathtakingly narcissistic, from top to bottom almost, it's actually the #1 way the government screws us.
A person that gets the shit kicked out of them for no reason by a cop or by a group of cops will definitely see police brutality as a serious issue, guaranteed.
There are far better men and women than us out there, rotting alive, as we speak. If you could rescue THE DUDE (or DUDETTE or whatever) that could single handedly get us set forever with sustainable electricity, he probably wouldn't look to you like much of a lazy slob parasite. It would be in your best interests to do something. I can argue with "success", it doesn't make anyone right necessarily.
It's basically what Jesus was saying, what modern Christians seem to like to just pretend isn't all that important. To ME, even the most Christian people in this country always seem to be rooting for THE ROMANS, with their bibles and all. Ignorance is the greatest enemy we have. You can't have hatred without ignorance. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. Hate the game, not the player, yet still do something about it. It's in your best interests and everything. Ever walk around in a dark room you're not real familiar with? It's the things we THINK are there that make up our reality, right up until we fall through them anyway.
I was baptized and kinda raised Catholic-ish, but I don't really buy into any religion or anything, I've just ended up taking a better look at it all recently and actually found some good stuff in there lol. I'm sorry about the talking points comment, I really didn't and don't want it to come off that way. I don't like it when I say things and they have to be equated to socialism or to Stalin or to Mao or even to Hitler (it fucking happens....). I'm none of those things. I'm me.