Is growing addicting?


Well-Known Member
I read an article where an experienced grower claimed that growing is addicting and once you start its hard to stop. He also mentioned that it begins to change your life in unexpected ways. Is this guy just waxing or is there some truth to it?


Well-Known Member
i started growing in early april with 16 plants 10 of the first are currently alive and well 3 months into growth , 2 weeks ago i planted seeds in about 100 pots 3 in each to ensure something grew , so i now have roughly 200 plants :D id say its addicting


Well-Known Member
i started growing in early april with 16 plants 10 of the first are currently alive and well 3 months into growth , 2 weeks ago i planted seeds in about 100 pots 3 in each to ensure something grew , so i now have roughly 200 plants :D id say its addicting
you go Robert...damn dude....damn...good man...perpetuate that delinquency we all have running deep in our veins :evil::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
It becomes an addiction..I love my plants..pepper and pot plants...all good..if it grows, I want whole ceiling is covered by a creeping vine... I'd plant a rock..I'm not proud...


Well-Known Member
sure i read in another post somewhere some1 saying "smoking weed isn't addictive. growing weed IS".
i'm only on my 2nd grow and im hooked!! lmao
twisty dude...ever tried growing chilis???? they ROCK :lol:


Well-Known Member
sure i read in another post somewhere some1 saying "smoking weed isn't addictive. growing weed IS".
i'm only on my 2nd grow and im hooked!! lmao
twisty dude...ever tried growing chilis???? they ROCK :lol:
hate to jack the thread but do you know anything about growin hatch green chilis...actually keeping with the theme of the thread...I never would have wanted to grow chilis if I hadn't started growing it is a gateway plant...lmao:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hate to jack the thread but do you know anything about growin hatch green chilis...actually keeping with the theme of the thread...I never would have wanted to grow chilis if I hadn't started growing it is a gateway plant...lmao:blsmoke:
gateway plant it!
not really dude cos i usually grow demon red!! fucking hot 1's!!!! :lol:
but i'd suggest just pot em and stick em on ur sunniest windowsill. chilis really need loadsa sun. most have 80-90 harvest cycle. but they are perenials!!! so pick and come again.or most are. real fucker weed ain't the same eh!!??!!
if u want to grow em out doors, start them just like weed, small pots etc but do it indoors then when they're around 5-6 inches, aclimatise them to outside, few hours a day,increasing the amount over a week, then plant em out in your suniest spot.really can't stress this enough.they need sun!!
once the fruit (cos it's fruit not veg! :lol: ) starts to form..use a tomato nute if u want to feed em!
are we really talking bout chilis on a weed forum???!?! lmao
or put em under a light, if u just happen to have 1 lmfao


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's addicting! It's almost like growing money on trees, even you're growing it for personal use (which I am), it's saving you a TON of money from having to buy it. Imagine if you could grow an illegal plant that produced little flowers with $10 bills on it instead of buds, wouldn't you think it would be addicting?


Well-Known Member
gateway plant it!
not really dude cos i usually grow demon red!! fucking hot 1's!!!! :lol:
but i'd suggest just pot em and stick em on ur sunniest windowsill. chilis really need loadsa sun. most have 80-90 harvest cycle. but they are perenials!!! so pick and come again.or most are. real fucker weed ain't the same eh!!??!!
if u want to grow em out doors, start them just like weed, small pots etc but do it indoors then when they're around 5-6 inches, aclimatise them to outside, few hours a day,increasing the amount over a week, then plant em out in your suniest spot.really can't stress this enough.they need sun!!
once the fruit (cos it's fruit not veg! :lol: ) starts to form..use a tomato nute if u want to feed em!
are we really talking bout chilis on a weed forum???!?! lmao
or put em under a light, if u just happen to have 1 lmfao
thx for the info...I have lots of seeds so I am gonna try it...I think I need to give em a little shade has been over 110 for the past week where I live so...nothing but cactus survive...and palo verde....unless i watered them 5 times a day in the sun they would croak here...but a window sill like you suggested may be my ticket to success. good chili info.
and as far as addiction goes...I buy shit for my plants when I am broke before I buy myself food. not often but the economy lately is fucked for my ha ha ha's addicting...I look at every plant I walk past now and admire it's qualities:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thx for the info...I have lots of seeds so I am gonna try it...I think I need to give em a little shade has been over 110 for the past week where I live so...nothing but cactus survive...and palo verde....unless i watered them 5 times a day in the sun they would croak here...but a window sill like you suggested may be my ticket to success. good chili info.
and as far as addiction goes...I buy shit for my plants when I am broke before I buy myself food. not often but the economy lately is fucked for my ha ha ha's addicting...I look at every plant I walk past now and admire it's qualities:blsmoke:
glad to help bro lol...good luck with em.
it's fucking cool to see the fruits of ur labour..speaking of which....better check on the kids :lol:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
One of the first posts I ever made on this site was about my growing. I have reached a point that I enjoy growing as much as smoking...almost! It seems the more success I have, the more I want to grow. I can't imagine if I could NOT grow...:cry:

Doughnut 420

Active Member
Is addicting even a word? Addictive! Addictive!

Lol. Too high...

Anyway, im only on my first grow and im planning for my second. I had to fight to keep the grow small.


Well-Known Member
Growing becomes a big priority i think. i'm only goin to live where i can grow from now on. at least i wish that.


It becomes an addiction..I love my plants..pepper and pot plants...all good..if it grows, I want whole ceiling is covered by a creeping vine... I'd plant a rock..I'm not proud...

much like you, i will at least try to grow anything...weed got me started, then moved on to peppers, flowers, veggies, trees, cactus...i love growing so much that we are moving to cali after my wife has the baby, enrolling at Oaksterdam for the basic and advanced courses, and growin my balls off:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hell yes its addicting, I couldnt grow anything until I started growing weed 3 months ago. Now im trying to root everything from peach trees to tomatoes. Got through my first crop made a few mistakes. but we are learning as we go. second crop is growing now. It looks better than the first. We will just keep trying.