Is Grodan Rockwool PH Neutral?


Their website says so.

I am gonna supplement 6" net pots with some of the 1/2" cubes. Should I soak the cubes in ph'd water. Or at least, rinse them?
How do some of you experienced rockwool users condition the cubes you use?
Thanks in advance. This site is great and really patient with questions like this.


Well-Known Member
Hellz no!! Rockwool is like 8-9ph, new. I soak my rockwool in 5.5 ph water for 2-24 hrs. I sqeeeze the bottom half only under water repeatedly 4-5 times, but be semi gentle. I have noticed stronger results since i've been doing this. Good luck bro.
shhh, dont tell anyone but I never have soaked my rockwool more than 10 minutes and a good squeeze and it works just fine. But i also dont germinate in it either.
But no it isnt pH neutral its high.

Max Q

It says the rockwool is neutral but that the manufacturing process leaves residual lime which makes the pH too high. So yes, you need to treat before using. Their advice is a 30 min soak followed by a rinse. Most growers soak for at least eight hours, which according to them may be unnecessary.


I'll do a over night soak and squeeze. should be fine.
Hell, if Im gonna soak at all, I may as well leave em over night.