Is ez cloner worth all that money ?????

Urban Aero - just the Guy I was looking for !!! Let me enjoy your Pictures and get back to you in a Sec with a quick question or two :big joint: your DIY Build looks good BTW.....
Ok, UrbanAero....

The EZ Cloner uses Misters attached to a WaterPump and Airstones attached to an AirPump, right? Everything I've read on Misters agrees they are high maintenance for a DIY build because they're very easy to clog up with Nutes, so Ideally I'd like to build a Bubbler for my Clones that DOESN'T use Misters. I was under the impression the combination of Mist and Bubbles was the reason the EZ Cloner works so well. But alot of people using Bubbles only say you don't NEED Misters at all for good root growth. Seeing as you've doen the best thing, which is buy an EZ Cloner and copy the Design, lol, what do YOU think about the Misters? DO they make that much of a Difference? Or do powerful Bubbles get the job done just as fast and reliable as an EZ Cloner that has MIsters?

BTW, can you describe you Design? Do you use a WaterPump?Misters at all? What L/PH AirPump do you use? Is Your DIY Quieter than the EZ Cloner? Your machine looks good from that photo, so feel free to Brag about it Bro I'd love to hear about it ! Much Appreciated !

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you've ot me thinking, here's a question. You keep your Mothers in Soil right?

WHen I get my Clones, Im planning on having them all in a Bubbler, selecting the best one as my Mother Plant and moving her to her own Bubbler.
So my ultimately, my Grow will have 3 Bubble Tubs, one for the Mother Plant, one for Clones and one for Flowering.

Can you think of any Probs I'd have with keeping a Mother alive in a Bubbler? Or, to put it another way, what are the benefits for you using Soil?
you can do it like that
the reason why i keep my mommy in soil is because it is just ezer for me, i also "LST" her
with soil i dont have to worry about ph and ppms - and pluss after my first experance with hydro (dwc) i found that it didnt work for me well, you really need to have a digital ppm and ph meter to do hydo (but i far fine with himpy without one)
@ That 5hit

Yeah, I know I need Digital Readers for PH and PPM, Ideally I'd like a Routine where I can check my Levels daily and then not worry about it.

The Lights will be on Timers and the Bubbles on 24/7 ! Perfect.

I still think I'll start with my Mothers in a DWC, I asked you cuz I've noticed alot of ppl DON'T keep Mothers in DWC they prefer Soil/Medium.

I should start a Thread in the Hyrdoponic Section on "Mothers"

But today, thanks for your advice on Clone Bubblers, hopefully Urban Aero reappears with some Answers about the EZ Cloner Clone he built!


BTW - Did you have PPM and PH pens when you kept your Mom in a DWC? Also, I was under the impression that if I grew my Mother in Soil, once she gets to the Size I want I can STOP feeding her nutrients and just give her water when she needs it? Do you stil give nutrients to your Moms in Soil? Or does the Soil itself have everything she needs (except Water) ? Growing and Cloning in Bubbles is definetely for me, but I need to look more into how im going to Maintain my Mother Plant. "Everybody" ins't choosing Soil over DWC for nothing right?



Well-Known Member
There is surely something else in ur garden that needs improvement. Build one and take the money saved to upgrade some shit. Not only will you have a WORKING cloner ull have built it urself allowing you to tailor it to ur needs. Aside from that I hate ez cloners. Wayyy too much money for such horrible results. Myself as well as 2 others I've talked to had the same problem only one side of the lid would root then u had to rotate the lid to get the other side to root. Idk how much time I spent cleaning tubes and buying heads thinking that was the problem before I finally threw it away. The garbageman looked baffled. So my .02 build one that actually works and upgrade whatever with the change. Hell buy some more seeds who knows just don't waste money I hate to see it. Now if u were completely illiterate (which ur obviously not. Ur able to log on and post if u can do that well ya know) I'd reccomend this unit but any average joes with and hour of time and a few supplies can slam one of these together for 20-80 bucks depending on what u have and where u buy what u need. :joint:


Well-Known Member
For the record I wasn't implying ur garden needed improvement just simply that ur money could be better spent elsewhere. I love my garden but to this day there are still many things I'd like to change up. Hate to see ur money go to something ull likely end up saling for money to diy one.


Active Member
I would say no its not worth it, DIY can be built to be more useful/better for your conditions if you have handy skills. untill I got my own design down it was a good starting point. I use the same misters in my aeroponic boxes just tapped them into 1/2" pvc, and use an active aqua pump sitting in a seperate reservoir. Ive used a lot of parts off ez cloners. I flower in aero boxes but I like the idea of DWC for mothers. currently shes in 5 gallon bucket of hydroton. attached is some root porn in week3 VEG in my custom boxes. my boxes are sealed so well that I am cutting back watering cycles to 15 on/ 75 min off. maybe more because I want my roots to dry out, I think they work harder and make more efficient use of nutrients(at least in my boxes)
There is surely something else in ur garden that needs improvement. Build one and take the money saved to upgrade some shit. Not only will you have a WORKING cloner ull have built it urself allowing you to tailor it to ur needs. Aside from that I hate ez cloners. Wayyy too much money for such horrible results. Myself as well as 2 others I've talked to had the same problem only one side of the lid would root then u had to rotate the lid to get the other side to root. Idk how much time I spent cleaning tubes and buying heads thinking that was the problem before I finally threw it away. The garbageman looked baffled. So my .02 build one that actually works and upgrade whatever with the change. Hell buy some more seeds who knows just don't waste money I hate to see it. Now if u were completely illiterate (which ur obviously not. Ur able to log on and post if u can do that well ya know) I'd reccomend this unit but any average joes with and hour of time and a few supplies can slam one of these together for 20-80 bucks depending on what u have and where u buy what u need. :joint:

lol @ the garbageman looked baffled

yeah no problem with you input Bro, its appreciated believe me. I have the same attitude, I DIY everything and I do a good job. But when I come across things that need expert skill, I "pay" for a solution and learn so I never have to pay again. I was playing with the Idea of BUYING a EZ Cloner just to see how it works with AirPumps and Water Pumps, but I've been convinced that Bubbles are just fine, which I always knew. Blame the Advertising! But DIY is def the way to go, I would DIY light bulbs if I had the tools, lol, I've even looked into Bat and Chicken Shit but I can't get it to work in a DWC without blocking up all my tubing lol. So yeah, I def wanna try this DIY Bubbler thing. Quick Questions if your still around Bro

1) Do you agree that Bubbles alone are perfect for Growing Great Clones? If so, how do you set up your Air Pump in your DIY set up? What output is it? What Airstones do you use?

2) Did you ever work out why only one side of your EZ Cloner worked? lol. Thats Random Bro!

I would say no its not worth it, but untill I got my own design down it was a good starting point. I use the same misters in my aeroponic boxes just tapped them into 1/2" pvc, and use an active aqua pump sitting in a seperate reservoir. Ive used a lot of parts off ez cloners. I flower in aero boxes but I like the idea of DWC for mothers. currently shes in 5 gallon bucket of hydroton

Thanks for the reply Urban.

So you DO use Misters in your Design huh? Interesting. So you built an exact copy of the EZ Clone complete with Air and Water Pumps. Good to Know. I'll start with Bubbles, which was my number one plan, and if I DO find my Cloning performance isn't good enough at least I know I CAN knock together a PVC Manifold/Water Pump to improve Root Growth. Def Good to Know. Thanks Again.

About you Mother Plant, you keep her in a single 5 Gallon Bucket? Can I ask a few Questions about her? :bigjoint:

1) How Tall is She, and do you Prune her to Keep her a Certain Height? (perhaps because of Space, im hoping to keep my Mother Plant at 3-4 Ft tall)

2) I've been told not to take Clones from the Top, even tho taking them from the Top means I can control her height AND get Clones, what do you think about that?

3) Based on her Height, what is the Maximum amount of Clones you can take in one go? Im planning on a 3 month Grow Cycle from Clone to Harvest, so I plan on taking a bunch of Clones once every 3 Months and giving my Mother Plant 3 Months to replace her Clones with new Growth. How does your Mother handle your Clone Taking?/How many can you take each time?

4) What Lights do You Grow Under? (Im considering 2 x 55w or Similar) Also, how stable are Your Mother Plant's PPM/PH Levels? (I assume you use diluted nutes for your Mother Plant, so hopefully her PPM/PH levels are more stable then Plants in Flowering?)

Appreciate it Bro, I really like the Idea of everything (mother/clones/grow) in DWC, so far I see no reason not to, just weighing up different opinions.

Thanks Bro!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
@ That 5hit

Yeah, I know I need Digital Readers for PH and PPM, Ideally I'd like a Routine where I can check my Levels daily and then not worry about it.

The Lights will be on Timers and the Bubbles on 24/7 ! Perfect.

I still think I'll start with my Mothers in a DWC, I asked you cuz I've noticed alot of ppl DON'T keep Mothers in DWC they prefer Soil/Medium.

I should start a Thread in the Hyrdoponic Section on "Mothers"

But today, thanks for your advice on Clone Bubblers, hopefully Urban Aero reappears with some Answers about the EZ Cloner Clone he built!


BTW - Did you have PPM and PH pens when you kept your Mom in a DWC? Also, I was under the impression that if I grew my Mother in Soil, once she gets to the Size I want I can STOP feeding her nutrients and just give her water when she needs it? Do you stil give nutrients to your Moms in Soil? Or does the Soil itself have everything she needs (except Water) ? Growing and Cloning in Bubbles is definetely for me, but I need to look more into how im going to Maintain my Mother Plant. "Everybody" ins't choosing Soil over DWC for nothing right?

when i grew in dwc i just guess at it, useing ph color droppers (the only real problem i have with dwc is the res changing)
and yeah i do give my mom nutes
soil for the mother is just ez'er
but dwc will work
hempy is also very ez, if i didn't have so much soil around i would swich over to keeping my mom in hempy
when i grew in dwc i just guess at it, useing ph color droppers (the only real problem i have with dwc is the res changing)
and yeah i do give my mom nutes
soil for the mother is just ez'er
but dwc will work
hempy is also very ez, if i didn't have so much soil around i would swich over to keeping my mom in hempy

Yeah, its always best to use what you have knocking about right? I have a tap full of water so im gonna start off with that lol.

My damn Battery died on my Laptop half way through a question I was about to ask, maybe next time huh? haha :bigjoint:

Thanks for all the input I've got a lot to think about. Rep's all round !!!!
@ That 5hit

Aha, I've remembered !!! It was about your Mother Plant (in Soil) I had a 2 quick Questions for you.... similar questions to the ones I asked Urban, how could I forget ??? lol :bigjoint:

1) How tall is She?, Do You Prune her to Keep her a Certain Height?

2) When you Take Clones, do you take them from the Top or the Bottom? I want to keep my Mother Plant around 3-4 Ft tall so im thinking about Taking Clones from the Top so I can get my Clones AND Prune her Height at the same time - What Do You Think? I've read taking Clones from the Bottom is a bad idea but im yet to read why?

Thanks man, I think there was another Question.... but its cool it can wait Bro, I've had PLENTY Answers for one Day. Its all Good.

Really Appreciate It!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I use the cloner and love it. I have 100 % success with clones and am no germinating seeds in 1. As far as the roots clogging the misters: I am using and aeroflo.. by the time the roots are long enough to clog, I would have transferred them into the aeroflo already. IMHO, if you are looking for quick cloning.. use it. There is also another brand that uses the same concept and has 96 sites for the same price. It also includes a heating element for the water.. just a heads up.


Active Member
Shes the White queen with all her clones in the background. Shes one bad mama jama, and will survive just about anything, take cuttings from her anywhere, shes about3 ft tall and about 18-20 months old. The 5 gal bucket has holes drilled in it and filled with hydroton. I just hand water her once a day. The red plastic cups have feminised seedlings that I started in soil and transplanted to my Aerobox which are not the same as ez cloner(mine have a seperate reservoir that nutrients drain into then pump out of). I can keep my clones in my boxes much longer than an ez cloner(its bigger and no standing water), only thing thats the same is the misters(replacement sprayers are at my hydro store). Ive had 6 month old clones in my aerobox, just kept the size down by pruning.



Well-Known Member
lol @ the garbageman looked baffled

yeah no problem with you input Bro, its appreciated believe me. I have the same attitude, I DIY everything and I do a good job. But when I come across things that need expert skill, I "pay" for a solution and learn so I never have to pay again. I was playing with the Idea of BUYING a EZ Cloner just to see how it works with AirPumps and Water Pumps, but I've been convinced that Bubbles are just fine, which I always knew. Blame the Advertising! But DIY is def the way to go, I would DIY light bulbs if I had the tools, lol, I've even looked into Bat and Chicken Shit but I can't get it to work in a DWC without blocking up all my tubing lol. So yeah, I def wanna try this DIY Bubbler thing. Quick Questions if your still around Bro

1) Do you agree that Bubbles alone are perfect for Growing Great Clones? If so, how do you set up your Air Pump in your DIY set up? What output is it? What Airstones do you use?

2) Did you ever work out why only one side of your EZ Cloner worked? lol. Thats Random Bro!

It was awesome he was lookin at the driver like no fuckin way!
I agree to an extent. Unfortunately what works for me may do the opposite for you. I had great success in my old place with the bubble cloner and loved it. However in my new place I've reverted to the old fashioned plugs in a tray, misted 2x daily I see rotts in 2(sc)-5 days ( 8 for ssh). The bubblecloner was taking almost 2 so I will stick with my old ways. This is another reason I say diy though. Could you imagine spending all that cash to end up throwing it away to build a different one? Lol build a bubbler, and aero, and use a traditional cloning set-up and see which works best for ya.
Now in reguard to bubbles dwc is hands down the best results I have ever gotten for vegging. I'm considering setting up a dwc for veg and ebb n flo for flower but well see.
As for the pump I use one of those general hydroponics air pumps It was rated at like 60 something? Ill look for a link. Then I used 2 sunleaves 2" airstones and 2 12" wal mart bubble curtains ( the flexible ones so you can ben them if needed to get full coverage.
I did work it out- with a trashcan lol. I have no idea though. Perhaps not a big enough pump to get full coverage but since the tubing is an equal run to both sides from the pump I doubt that. And there wasn't anything clogging the sprayers or the pipes. Oh and the lid, it latched on there soooo fuckin tight. It was taxing for me ( I'm a medi patient- back problems) so pulling that lid off took more than I sometimes had in my back but it needed to be done if I wanted them ALL to root haha. So I trashed it. Ill go find the link for the airpump.
pretty much just plain NO! not worth the money even if you build your own.,. i have a little 130 rubbermaid one i built and for the trouble and the size its now used ans my humidome shelf :)


Active Member
Nice though i don't have any useful feedback, gl with the diy, myself don't have the patience to mess with that stuff.
350$ for my sanity sounds like a good deal :D


Well-Known Member
I have used a ezclone for about a year until i tried the plastic cup method, much easier. Don't believe the hype with the ezcloner, too much trouble and you don't get roots that much quicker