..is everything all right with these plants?


Active Member
Hi guys, I posted here a while ago and I mistook calyxes for male flowers but now the situation seems a bit more complex (to me at least)
A couple of days ago I had to pull out a male plant, hadnt shown sex till now and it was planted like 3 months ago.. anyway, I tried to make sure the other plants werent impollenated while i cut her and washed them right after that, but today a lot of those bags you see in the pictures have shown up.
It looks like hairs are coming out of those bags (so I assumed they could be calyxes again), but I'm worried about the quantity, especially the plant in the picture is full of these things

so, what do you say?



Well-Known Member
It looks like it may have gotten some pollen.....cause those are seeds are there any male flowers on your females? look around and seebongsmilie if not maybe someone around you is growing and dosen't check back as much as you and its pollenating everything:evil: either way thats a good looking cola:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Yeah it looks like there are some but I cant tell for sure, if that's the way it is how bad is this gonna be for my plants? are they going to produce less thc since they've been pollenated although in an advanced state? and what about the ones that are starting to flower now, is there anything I can do? (yeah, lots of questions :lol:)

Also, I have two other plants that havent shown sex yet, should I cut them now or can I hope they turn females anyway being near the pollenated ones?


Active Member
your a seed grower! Nothing you can do now. Go get yourself some clones, then you never have to worry again.


Active Member
Yeah but aside from that what should i do now with these as I'm going to harvest them anyway I wanted to know how it's going to be, they've been flowering for a month or so, how much of their potential will they lose because of this?
And what about other plants that are flowering right now or havent started yet?

I'm quite depressed right now for this and any help would be appreciated, thanks

edit: I was thinking about this: should i keep feeding them with nutes and wait till they're ready for harvest or should i cut them now so the seeds production doesnt spread more as I read that pollenated females use their energy towards seed production and not budding?


Well-Known Member
hard to tell with those pics-looks like you are 2 weeks or so from harvest-how are your trichs? clear, cloudy, amber? Good chance those are female flowers if there are pistols emerging containing a false seed pod. These pods swell up close to maturity.
I would carefully snip the balls you see-snip and drop them directly into a plastic baggie and keep growing. Cut some of them open and see whats inside. Overall I think you are ok. But do snip them.


Active Member
Trichs look white to me but I couldnt check them with a magnifier or else yet, it looks like hairs are coming out of everyone of those little balls on the buds, there were some seeds on the intersections of the plants though, I took off like a dozen seeds from 3-4 plants but I'm quite sure there are others

Thanks for the answers, only other thing I'd like to know for sure is how bad this will be for thc production (plants are already quite sticky), any other guesses?


Well-Known Member
were those seed you pulled or were they ovaries? you need at lest a 20x mag glass to check and to also check the trichs. Most important harvest sign is cloudy to amber trichs. I wouldnt worry bout it if really seeds. thc production shouldnt be that off considering so late in flowering. Male flowers do not have pistols. If your sacs have pistols and they are growing from the ovary-what looks like could be a seed-than you are fine. Take some closer pics to distinguish between male flowers and swollen false seed pods.