is ebay safe to buy gear?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have some legit input? i need to know!!! i used my gf's card to buy a tent on ebay but had it shipped to my house like a fucking noob. anyways,... am i ok???

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
well no mater where you have it shipped
if they wanted to catch you all they would have to do is follow everyone that is related to the mailing adress and use process of elimination to find the grower, but i dout they do this for such a small order, you have nothing to worry about, i can see if you had 5 1000w lights hoods flood table CO2 canisters. all being mailed to the same adress, and even then i wouldn't sweat it, you give the law to much credit, they can bearly catch child rappist online, how mant times have you herd of them catching these teacher with millions on child porn downloaded to there pc's and 1000's of toy's and a starter dungen kit and the only way the caught them is because some boy told his mommy, then he gets raided- so be cool and relacks

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
IMHO, I would not sweat it, unless you go into great detail with the seller what your planning to do with it. Sellers only want to make money from their items. Using a credit card does give you some protection if you get ripped off, e.g. a charge back. You don't get that protection using other forms of payment.
If a seller is advertising in a way that his stuff is for illegal uses, I would avoid that type of person.


Well-Known Member
ebay or craigslist
Some sellers are individuals, and almost all mail in plain brown box's.

I got all my gear off ebay and craigslist.

I wouldnt worry about using a CC on ebay.

If you are concerned about getting stuff from there you should be just as concerned with posting on these forums.


Well-Known Member
thanks homies, for a min there i thought i had a bad slip up. u guys are my niggas on RIU


Well-Known Member
is ebay safe to use credit cards for grow gear?
I've probably ordered about £800 worth of gear from ebay by now. Been doing it for months and never had any problems.

Hydroponics is a very lucrative and competitive market. The businesses know damn well that if they have a rep for passing on info, people will simply shop else where.

Ebay itself doesn't care as long as what is for sale is actually legal. They are dealing with millions of items every day.

I wouldn't trust craigs list though. I don't think it's as professional ebay.


Except all of the stuff that you use for growing pot is also used for growing..well..almost any kind of plant. Lots of people grow things indoors as hobbies or profit. Flowers, venus fly traps, fruit and veggies. Then you have the people who just want to buy lights because they're lights. For instance, a HPS light makes a great security light when enclosed in a plastic barrier to protect it. I have a lot of Warm White CFLs in my home light fixtures because they're a nice light (Warm White is around the 3000k range) - hell, thats almost a dozen lights I bought at one time right there. I think you're covered - I'd be a lot more worried about your ISP and all of the search engine and other tracking programs that you have no idea are on your computer right now tracking each and every website you visit. Including this one.

But, hey you know what they say, paranoia is a side effect of Marijuana. You know, that and the Reefer Madness. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
like i said you all are my homies =D thanks for the comforting reassurance. Shitty outdoor "heads" i been smoking for like a week now getting me all paranoid n shit. scared the canolies out of me. thanks fellas


Well-Known Member
is ebay safe to use credit cards for grow gear?

i just bought a hps sun system off of ebay and i bought my 1st dual 430w ballast off of there as well i wouldnt trust craigslist when it comes down to buying growing material, some guy had a 2 grand hydro system on craigslist for free now dont that sound like a set up or what so dont buy growng shit on craigslist and get all ya shit off of ebay yo


Well-Known Member
I don't think that anyone would ever consider investigation for grow gear simply because it is in too small a quantity and most of the sales are going to be interstate so only the feds would be able to bother and they are looking for weight. I have purchased gear off of a police auction site and have had no problems. They just want to get rid of the stuff.