Is computer programmer a good job for a major pothead?


Active Member
I'm doing some major thinking about what to do with my pretty much wasted life and I think I've reached a new resoluteness (is that a word?)in deciding I must pick a technical program and just fucking do it, and get a good paying, decent job. I got a shitty paying, undecent job and it makes no sense. I just gotta power through two years of school.

So my question is, is computer programming a job conducive to potheadedness? Do people go into work baked on a good sativa and get really into writing programs? I think I could but any pothead programmers, tell me your experiences.

Or put more broadly, what the fuck technical program should I do where I could get a job where I can smoke a small j on the way to work, then stay just a little baked all day and enjoy my job that way? I've decided that's the way to live, and my recently stepped up grow op gives me lotsa weed to smoke.


Well-Known Member
It can be the perfect job.

Guy I know works from home and smokes all day. Makes a shitload of money too.


Well-Known Member
I did it for a long time.
Stoned or not, if your good with logic, math and problem solving, you'll be a good programmer.


Well-Known Member
emmmmmmm do you have any skills on the computer ?

have you ever programmed anything ? Like a mutator for a game.. ?

or anything of this type ?


Well-Known Member
I know a few programmers and they are all stoners. Two of them didn't even graduate high school.


Active Member
Arright cool I'm feeling a little better about this.

I did take a programming class back in high school and I liked it, though my memory may be distorted because my teacher and classmates were awesome. it was the first year of the class and the grading was easy as shit.


Well-Known Member
i got the job PERFECT FOR A MAJOR STONER!!! just get a job in the kitchen, maybe go to a cooking school, when i was 17 i was a prep cook for a mountain resort that did weddings, i was making 1000$ every two weeks, it was fucking amazing and a good place for weed is in colorado, its legal there


In this economy, I'd find something in much higher demand...

Try something that has to do with computers in the medical field. Something in need. Be a network administrator for hospitals. Bam, easy money.


Well-Known Member
he has an epiphany about wasting his life so he decides to find a job he can be stoned at all day.

irony anyone?


Active Member
Yeah I'm a programmer (not my job though) and I'm a stoner, most of the time the weed helps me sort out problems more so than when I'm sober!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes it makes some want to do wat there mind wants to do not there body so you could say it makes some lazy,,,,but to each his own would be the best answer for this thread


Well-Known Member
It depends completely on you and how well your brain works when you're baked. I'm a network admin with 20 years under my belt but I couldn't troubleshoot my way out of a paper bag when I'm really stoned and believe me I have seriously tried and tried and tried.

Test yourself with some puzzle games or something both stoned and not and see how it goes. Some people are fine, others can't even pretend to be fine. I look fine stoned, people can't tell, it's just the brain stops working.


Active Member
the best job for a stoner is a scrypt writer for movies.
Haha, I am a screenwriter. The world don't know it yet.

Anyway I'm too much a dreamer and that's my problem. I wanna go bigtime in some way which led me to writing, then growing. Tried to be a psychologist for a while but lost interest in that. I got good grades cause that stuff genuinely interests me, but the more I've learned about psychology the more misanthropic I've become.

well etc etc and now I'm thinking computer programmer. Good money, not too much work with people, holds the possibility of some bigtime contriubution in video games as well which would be very satisfying

comments are all awesome and thanks. Especially testing myself with puzzles that's a good idea. I'll probably buy a book on programming in C++ which I learned in high school and get baked and see if I can get into that again.