Is colorado "where it's at"


Active Member
Lately I haven't been doing much with my life, I don't have a job and I'm not going to school. I've been trying to figure out what I want to do and I know my biggest passion is Marijuana. Today my dad came to me with an article about Colorado and said how I should sell my car and give moving out there a shot. Yet I'm a bit discouraged due to the thought that lot's of people are moving out there now and weed prices are super low. As an inexperienced grower is it pretty easy to find a job in the industry and make a living? Such as dispensary worker, trimmer, assistant or whatever. I know that's what I want to do but I don't have a degree of any sort. It's not like I've never grown, just nothing ever amazing. Being an assistant and learning hands on would be pretty cool. Anyone living there that has any advice would be appreciated. Second choice is the Emerald Triangle, third is Oregon.


Well-Known Member
You have to strive for more than just being a dispensary worker or trimmer. How about an accountant or mortgage broker?


Well-Known Member
There's alot of young people wanting and doing what you want to. Even if you don't end up doing exactly what you envision at first I say go forth and forge your path. No tie downs as a young person is a great thing. Sounds like Dad is good with you spreading your wings, that's always better than not having one to get advice from. I got to experience alot as a young man, it made me better equiped in life as I matured. Do It!


Well-Known Member
its in your closet is where its at.if you want to face prices dropping and people growing wtf ever and thinking they know how to grow and donate weed just because it became legal. they dont as much as they think. they dont know what it takes to go from one to 2 seedlings and wait for it to become a full crop. what it takes and where its at is where you are currently residing. you'll have more resources available if you stay put.


Well-Known Member
Sils right on the 'you make where it's at' but you're young and ready for adventure with challenges? I found myself many times in life at a destination with one intent and ended up on awhole different venture/path and was very happy with it. Go live life, one of the nice things about new places far from home is you can be who ever you envision and aren't clamped down by some ideas by the people you grew up withs notions about who you are.


Active Member
You have to strive for more than just being a dispensary worker or trimmer. How about an accountant or mortgage broker?
Well of course but I'd like to start off working as one of those if I were to move out there and need a job asap, plus it would give me more experience in growing. I'm really just asking is there money to be made out there. I'd hate to leave FL and then have it legalized shortly after and lose the opportunity to do it here.


Well-Known Member
Your always welcome in Detroit . Just send all your cash up first so we can get you all set up .


Well-Known Member
trimming. it's not just a job it's 10 whole dollars an hour.
In a place where the cheapest rent you'll find is 2 paychecks at that rate.


Well-Known Member
Well of course but I'd like to start off working as one of those if I were to move out there and need a job asap, plus it would give me more experience in growing. I'm really just asking is there money to be made out there. I'd hate to leave FL and then have it legalized shortly after and lose the opportunity to do it here.
you hit the nail right on the head. FL im sure an ounce goes for more than 350 there. you really want to try to take a deduction right after the expense of moving? keep your mouth closed and grow in FL. you will do fine. tell no one and keep your mouth shut. thanks kenetic but tons of times i see young folk go walking blindly thinking there going to be able to make all that back and have a place ot stay. we just had couch surfers pass threw here. before i left WA there was a dude who came to washington for the legal thing. last i spoke to him he was homeless. stay in FL dude it will ave you allot of b/s legal is kool but nothing like everyone makes it out to be. please just spend the money on setting up your stuff in FL and stick it out like the rest of us did.


Well-Known Member
Colorado's a very cool place, no hurricanes should be a big plus. Go out and work your ass off and make it happen. Nothing comes easy and networking is a huge plus once experience happens.


Well-Known Member
your advocating for someone to waste twice as much funds to start the same thing. it doesnt make sense. yeah the canes are good to get away from. he can make it happen on FL. theres no reason to move, there are too many cons with the fact that one ounce is 150-200 probably less. lets not make it harder on the next generation. lets give them better. once you start growing good in FL you'll be established sooner. no substitutes for getting ahead.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling the young man to go out and experience life. I'm not as concerned with the MJ aspect to be honest. I'm advocatining living. I drove across the country chasing my dreams and while it didn't work out the way I wanted I won't be an old man wishing I had because I did. I also got to experience life and gain new perspective. Man up and go I say. "kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown waiting for something or someone to show you the way." Nope, gotta go get it. Have to expand ones human experience.


Active Member
The things is if I were to stay in FL I wouldn't get any experience in growing unless I took some horticulture/botany classes. Kind of feel like I should go out for the learning experience and then come back once it is legal here. I know my parents wouldn't let me go homeless so that's at least comforting say things were to go awry. Florida still has to be at least 2 years off imo.


Well-Known Member
look you dont need to take botany classes to get growing experiences. get online and read. soil from a local nursery without nutes(no MG) ph water to 6.5-5.5.add nutes at 1/4 strength at the start of flower and work your way up. they dont teach you how to grow in class. i know i went ot class every day. all you need to no about growing weed is online. its very simple but takes patients. again you dont need school to grow anything. school is just credentials for w/e. shit you can get a BA in history and use it for botany, the only good experience is to just get started. lots of states are 2 years away, gives you plenty of time to become proficient. your not going to whip out pounds your first time anywhere you live. there are not places where they teach growing weed just to grow weed only. it never has been like that. oaksterdam is the only place that has it that i know of.people wont teach you to grow either. no one wants to get in with a new grower because they dont want to teach. you have to put the work in yourself and it can only come from reading the forums.


Well-Known Member
u can learn basic botony from school books. any local college bookstore will help u out. the fastest and easiest way to learn to grow is to begin growing. there are a few guys here who really know their shit. UNCLE BEN is one. ask him anything. subcool is another. watch his vids. I think there is enough info on this site to learn how to grow well. sifting through all the bs is another thing. ask a question here and u get ten different answers. you're better off just reading all the sticky posts first and asking questions after. no one wants to read the info...but the answers are mostly all there. it boggles my mind. most guys don't wanna read they want someone to hold their hands. it doesn't work that way. decide what u want and get educated. there's no way around it.


Active Member
I guess, but I can't just grow in my parents house and risk them losing everything just because it MIGHT get legalized in FL. Even though most of you are telling me to stay I kinda wanna agree with Kinetic *appreciate everyone's advice though.


Well-Known Member
Well of course but I'd like to start off working as one of those if I were to move out there and need a job asap, plus it would give me more experience in growing. I'm really just asking is there money to be made out there. I'd hate to leave FL and then have it legalized shortly after and lose the opportunity to do it here.
If you're asking whether there is money to be made, then you don't know the right people, and therefore, the short answer for you, is no. There is not money to be made if you don't have connections. Unless of course you are a botanist and horticulturist by trade. In which case you wouldn't be asking, you would be doing.

I don't want to come off sounding harsh, but take it from me, and likely others on here will support my claim, that its a tough business to get into if you are looking for a quick buck. This isnt the 90's anymore. Unfortunately.


Active Member
Not looking for a quick buck, I know I'm not going to be rich off this stuff but I want to do what I love and be able to live decently off the money I make from it. Not sounding like the thing to do now...


Well-Known Member
If you're asking whether there is money to be made, then you don't know the right people, and therefore, the short answer for you, is no. There is not money to be made if you don't have connections. Unless of course you are a botanist and horticulturist by trade. In which case you wouldn't be asking, you would be doing.

I don't want to come off sounding harsh, but take it from me, and likely others on here will support my claim, that its a tough business to get into if you are looking for a quick buck. This isnt the 90's anymore. Unfortunately.
I will support this claim as a fellow Coloradian, it's not easy out here if you don't know the right people. Shit even I struggled at first with it and I have a degree in horticulture! It's not easy anymore, everyone's doing it know.

Like db said sure you can come be a trimmer for me or someone else for 10$/hr but the price of living out here is unreal. Stay in FL and wait till it's legal, or take a leap of faith and come out and see if you can make it as a trimmer and work your way up.