Is Christianity Safe?

Is Christianity Safe?

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The basis of science is the Scientific Method.

Once it was developed, science was no longer a blend of observation, alchemy, and religion.

Structure not only increased the effectiveness of research, by stripping away any which lacked evidence it separated the philosophical and religious pursuits which claimed to be scientific.

If there is no evidence for creation it will not be included in a science paper. And in a reputable journal peer-review will not let research with no verifiable data last for long.

I'm sure there are plenty of examples of scientists who don't accept the melding of science and creation. It's like the big bang vs. steady state debate. How do we know we aren't in a steadily expanding and contracting universe, an existence which pulsates endlessly, has no beginning and no end? :?:
It's odd you would use Big Bang vs. Steady State. 50 years ago they had already gathered enough new data about the size, shape, age, and movement of objects in the universe to find that the evidence pointed toward the Big Bang. Indeed, the theory may change as new evidence is found still. But it will be built upon the knowledge that came before it.

"God created the universe" is a statement completely devoid of evidence. It can not change with no evidence to build upon. To even make the claim one must first define the god in question. How can you do that if you have no data to work with? The bible lacks anything that could be even considered viable scientific evidence.


Well-Known Member
All religion ever is, is a way to subjugate the masses. Nothing good ever came from religion, except death, paranoia, righteousness (which in itself is a bad thing), arrogance, greed and corruption, all in the name of some made-up diety or misguided desert wandering hippie with a bad case of sunstroke. Although I tend to like Christmas, not in the biblical sense, but the trees, the gifts, the cheesy films and of course the food. Commercialism, blah blah blah. When ti comes down to it, we're all human whether we have the means to subjugate or not. Thr rich and powerful as well as that guy Jesus (who may or may not be real), all shit the same. And we'll all eventually die some day. And why we're here, why not make the best of it? Well, because of greed. Pure and simple. Greed over wealth, power, going down in history, celebrity worship, having the most things, being able not to labour and toil but to sit back whilst having some young slave suck your cock, cook your meals or do your laundry. And as soon as the other slaves refuse, you'll come up with one way or another in order to control them so that they will cower down and you'll again be able to have your cock sucked, your meals cooked and your socks washed.

That, in a nutjob shell, is what it's all about. Silly apes with silly ape ways.


Active Member
Considering Religion alone can account for more deaths than any other thing known to mankind....I think its "safe" to say religion is not "safe" at the very least.

The largest killer to mankind ...NOT something to believe as "safe"

In several religions there are accounts of "god" coming to earth to part take in the OFFING of his own creations.....A very godlike act :) Im sorry but there is nothing that say's godly love like killing your own children or just wiping the world out of humans......All of which sounds real "safe"bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Considering Religion alone can account for more deaths than any other thing known to mankind....I think its "safe" to say religion is not "safe" at the very least.

The largest killer to mankind ...NOT something to believe as "safe"

In several religions there are accounts of "god" coming to earth to part take in the OFFING of his own creations.....A very godlike act :) Im sorry but there is nothing that say's godly love like killing your own children or just wiping the world out of humans......All of which sounds real "safe"bongsmilie
I am a Christian and I understand the good point you are making. Like how can God love us but Flood the world or burn cities like Sodom and Gomorrah?

I toiled with this question as well, until I found out how Genesis was actually written. When Moses saw the burning bush and was on Mount Sinai writing the ten commandments, he also wrote the book of Genesis in visions from God. Knowing this lead me to believe that Genesis was written allegorical and not literal. An example: Adam and Eve mean "Man and Woman", but we dont know how many "men or woman" were before the ones Moses had written about.

Another point, is a gun alone safe? Or is it only safe if the right person is wielding it?


Well-Known Member
I toiled with this question as well, until I found out how Genesis was actually written. When Moses saw the burning bush and was on Mount Sinai writing the ten commandments, he also wrote the book of Genesis in visions from God.
Where do you get your information from as to how it was written? How do you know it's true?
Genesis as well as the rest of the bible is clearly not written by one person. A single individual would not shift so quickly between different styles of writing. A single person would not contradict himself so often wrt details and names. The Torah (first 5 books) is so obviously a compilation put together by one or more redactors, it's hard for me to believe that anyone that has actually read and studied it would come to any other conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Where do you get your information from as to how it was written? How do you know it's true?
Genesis as well as the rest of the bible is clearly not written by one person. A single individual would not shift so quickly between different styles of writing. A single person would not contradict himself so often wrt details and names. The Torah (first 5 books) is so obviously a compilation put together by one or more redactors, it's hard for me to believe that anyone that has actually read and studied it would come to any other conclusion.
Well...I guess everyone has there own conclusion. Probably the reason why there are so many denominations in Christianity. Everyone reads the bible differently, I dont think there are 2 Christians alive that believe in the exact same thing. I mean, I like to hit the vape once and awhile and I do not think it is a sin, yet I know plenty of Christians that would disagree with me.

Also what I write I dont expect anyone to change their views overnight if not ever. It is kind of weird how everyone thinks they are right and their view is true, yet everyone believes so drastically different. Sorry, I just hit the vape and it is just coming to me as I write lol.


Well-Known Member
Does God ever have a thought that He hasn't had before?

How can God change his mind, if he is perfect? Wouldn't he be right to begin with?

If we are made in God's image, what does God do with his penis? Is that where angels fear to tread?


Well-Known Member
Christianity safe?The crusades,the inquisition ,the Salem witch hunts,burnings at the stake?sounds like a SAFE and fun time I think ill buy in!
Christianity is not safe at all, just look at the past and what is happening now. I don't think Christianity is evil to the core, but it's clear that people use Christianity, just like they use other religions, as a mask for evil. Just look at the amount of paedophiles who abuse young boys in the Catholic church.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
christianity , is not safe nor any other religion , it is indoctrinating childrens minds , into thinking they have to obey a higher being or face eternity in hell , how can that be safe ?
and actually its the reason we have suicide bombers from islam , if you a taught something everyday from childhood , there is nothing in adulthood that will convince you otherwise ,so no christianity or any other mental brain washing is not safe .


Well-Known Member
when was islam Christianity?

christianity , is not safe nor any other religion , it is indoctrinating childrens minds , into thinking they have to obey a higher being or face eternity in hell , how can that be safe ?
and actually its the reason we have suicide bombers from islam , if you a taught something everyday from childhood , there is nothing in adulthood that will convince you otherwise ,so no christianity or any other mental brain washing is not safe .


Active Member
People use christianity as a benevolent guise to commit evil. There are also people who pretend to be jewish, and then persecute jews, in order to benefit from the reprecussions. And then there are those who aren't monotheistic whatsoever, who incite wars btween monotheiats such as muslims and out-of-doctrine christians who fall for their trap, which furthers their own "imagine" philosophy to increase support for their one world government. But christ was without sin or fault and that is what christians strive to be, but we all fail. So christianity itself is completely harmless, in fct it has benefitted eerypne here in some way or another. Sry for typos on my phone.


Well-Known Member
People use christianity as a benevolent guise to commit evil. There are also people who pretend to be jewish, and then persecute jews, in order to benefit from the reprecussions. And then there are those who aren't monotheistic whatsoever, who incite wars btween monotheiats such as muslims and out-of-doctrine christians who fall for their trap, which furthers their own "imagine" philosophy to increase support for their one world government. But christ was without sin or fault and that is what christians strive to be, but we all fail. So christianity itself is completely harmless, in fct it has benefitted eerypne here in some way or another. Sry for typos on my phone.
It's true that the actual teachings of Christ are far from harmful, and indeed quite beneficial, and also that the Cristian church is directly and indirectly responsible for several of the good things we have in modern society, but Modern Christianity is, as you said, used for malicious and controlling reasons. This is why in some ways, modern Christianity can be considered dangerous.


Active Member
A corrupt world, with corrupt people, with corrupt items. Christianty teaches how to be good even in the mist of all this.