Is Christianity Safe?

Is Christianity Safe?

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Active Member
What a farce. Christianity is what keeps a good portion of the world population humble and being nice to others, even when they're wronged. If it is all dust to dust and there is no afterlife, it makes sense that many who fear God would live for today and rape and kill as they please. Many Christians know better; they are aware that Christ will be the final Judge and to live within the morals written into the DNA that separates them as humans from other animals. For is it our intelligence that separates us from beasts? Are we not simply more intelligent than other creatures?...
This thread is a joke if you ask me, the world would be 100x more dangerous without the Christian-based fear of final judgement.


Active Member
Yeah it's dangerous alright... to a lost soul's complacent mindset. There is a spiritual realm, it is what tugs at you when you think there might be. Free your mind and "go with the tug".

What do you atheists have to say about the New World Order, and its leaders who believe they're being guided by "ascended spirits"? Go listen to Barack Obama's speech backwards if you don't believe they're is a spiritual realm.


Well-Known Member
What a farce. Christianity is what keeps a good portion of the world population humble and being nice to others, even when they're wronged.
And for those that don't need the threat of eternal damnation, there's always plain old reason and altruism.


Well-Known Member
What do you atheists have to say about the New World Order, and its leaders who believe they're being guided by "ascended spirits"? Go listen to Barack Obama's speech backwards if you don't believe they're is a spiritual realm.

What the fuck? Are you a 12 year old who just teleported here from 1973?


Well-Known Member
What a farce. Christianity is what keeps a good portion of the world population humble and being nice to others, even when they're wronged. If it is all dust to dust and there is no afterlife, it makes sense that many who fear God would live for today and rape and kill as they please. Many Christians know better; they are aware that Christ will be the final Judge and to live within the morals written into the DNA that separates them as humans from other animals. For is it our intelligence that separates us from beasts? Are we not simply more intelligent than other creatures?...
This thread is a joke if you ask me, the world would be 100x more dangerous without the Christian-based fear of final judgement.
So you are only good because of fear of retribution in the afterlife? So you must be a right nasty piece of work who wants to rape rob and murder but don't because of fear in a god. Nonsense.
I have no belief in the after life or any god concept man has made up. I don't get my morals from a book and I have never intentionally caused harm to another creature, except in defence of myself or others.
Why is that then? Because by your standard I should be out robbing, raping and murdering anyone I wish.
Its quite simple, its called empathy. Don't need a book for that.


Well-Known Member
What a farce. Christianity is what keeps a good portion of the world population humble and being nice to others, even when they're wronged. If it is all dust to dust and there is no afterlife, it makes sense that many who fear God would live for today and rape and kill as they please. Many Christians know better; they are aware that Christ will be the final Judge and to live within the morals written into the DNA that separates them as humans from other animals. For is it our intelligence that separates us from beasts? Are we not simply more intelligent than other creatures?...
This thread is a joke if you ask me, the world would be 100x more dangerous without the Christian-based fear of final judgement.
Yea, that's the first thing that pops into ones mind when they are thinking about doing something wrong is whether it will affect them in their afterlife. What must we do to stop all of these murders in the name of atheism?


Well-Known Member
So you are only good because of fear of retribution in the afterlife? So you must be a right nasty piece of work who wants to rape rob and murder but don't because of fear in a god. Nonsense.
I have no belief in the after life or any god concept man has made up. I don't get my morals from a book and I have never intentionally caused harm to another creature, except in defence of myself or others.
Why is that then? Because by your standard I should be out robbing, raping and murdering anyone I wish.
Its quite simple, its called empathy. Don't need a book for that.
There certainly are fears of repercussions but quite earthly ones. Maybe he thinks piranha don't eat each other in a feeding frenzy because of their fear of afterlife too. Morals are most certainly an acquired evolutionary trait.


Well-Known Member
There certainly are fears of repercussions but quite earthly ones. Maybe he thinks piranha don't eat each other in a feeding frenzy because of their fear of afterlife too. Morals are most certainly an acquired evolutionary trait.
ie: the selfish gene


Well-Known Member

The only thing that kept me responding to your particular posts was the misconception on my part that all athiest on here were SLOOoooWhaa (the 1's that decided to post here), I was wrong on that. I've been busy, but glad now I have a bit of reading in front of me. It'll be the evolved posts and discussions I'll try to pay more attention to tho'. I've seen a lot of good threads started lately I plan on posting on, but I'll pay 50cents to see the Monkey Dance as well. Right now I'm checking out this documentary on t.v. discussing the tools used inside your cave 30,000yrs ago, :lol:

Wasn't I on your Big BAd Ignore List... Please, Save Yourself


Just when you thought he had nothing left to say, he shows up and says nothing again.


Well-Known Member
I love the fact that he thinks mocking evolution makes him look smart.

Would you like to start mocking the measles and polio vaccines next?

Or pretend to understand physics some more?


Well-Known Member
I love the Fact that You have absolutely no Clue of what your talking about.
You have the comprehension level of an 3yo (Blind Ignorance).
I'll advise you to phone a friend to help out.
And my ability to pretend is a secret, SHHhhhhh :mrgreen:


I love the fact that he thinks mocking evolution makes him look smart.

Would you like to start mocking the measles and polio vaccines next?

Or pretend to understand physics some more?


Well-Known Member
i love how every one in these debates argues against catholic dogma not christianity. the crusades, witch hunts, molestation all stems from a church not the religion. christianity itself teaches only love, peace, and respect. not once in any church outside of a catholic one have i ever even heard someone really discuss hell as being an eternal punishment and lake of fire. hell literally means absence of god. not burning lava lake, not horny demons fucking up the place, simply absence of god. so hell could literally be just havin to chill outside the pearly gates.

one religion that is dangerous in and of itself however is islam(it is better to kill an infidel than to allow him to conver to islam. the koran, "may god bring death to the christians and the jews" mohamad at his death.

thats right ill say it, if every single muslim died tonite, tomorrow the world would be a safer place.

btw to all the race baters, my 2nd best friend in the world is AbdaRahim, a muslim, so im not just hating, its just that to make an omlet you gotta crack some eggs lol.


Well-Known Member
I love the fact that he thinks mocking evolution makes him look smart.

Would you like to start mocking the measles and polio vaccines next?

Or pretend to understand physics some more?
Ya know morgen, I don't know why you have to be so condescending. It's really unbecoming, especially from someone who is as intelliegent as you appear to be. Why don't you stop ridiculing people and simply make your point. If you are so confident you are right then there's no reason to belittle the others posting in these threads don't ya think? ;-)


Well-Known Member
Many here might think my vote is out of character based on my Agnosticism.

I have voiced many criticisms of Christianity and will continue to do so.

I selected 'Christianity is safe' because I am free to criticize Christianity without fear of losing my life.


Well-Known Member
Many here might think my vote is out of character based on my Agnosticism.

I have voiced many criticisms of Christianity and will continue to do so.

I selected 'Christianity is safe' because I am free to criticize Christianity without fear of losing my life.
I'm agnostic as well but I have to say that christianity is much safer than islam. Christianity certainly has its nutjobs but one only has to go to New York and look at that giant crater in lower manhattan to see how dangerous islam is. I criticize religion all the time but I would never make a blanket statement like "christianity is dangerous" or "islam is a peaceful religion". Which is safer? I think hands down christianity is safer than islam. Where does judaism fall? There are some nutjobs who practice kaballah and there are many militant jews as well. Even without religion people would find something to fight about. Probably without religion people would pay more attention to race and ethnicity. Who knows. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Language evolves also as is evidenced by Wikipedia.
that some portion of a community should choose a more rabid approach to their belief system is no excuse to redefine the entire community. the very phrase you have used, "as described by many atheists including myself", clearly shows that even you understand that this fight you speak of is not an integral component of atheism, but a choice made by a portion of the atheist community.


Well-Known Member
I so wish people would understand that agnosticism is not some middle ground between atheism and theism.
in a sense, we are all agnostic when we speak of gods and such. agnosticism is nothing more than "not knowing" and, though we may delude ourselves that we know one way or the other, the very nature of that realm makes "knowing" impossible. that delusion is "belief" or "faith", it is a choice. the theist has made that choice, the atheist has made that choice, all else is indecision. that indecision is perfectly rational, given that there is a dearth of real information on the subject, but religion isn't really the domain of the rational mind.

i'm always a bit amused when folks like dawkins attempt to insert logic into the question of gods (yes, i do it too and i chuckle at myself on those occasions). it confuses the rational mind with the emotional mind and makes a mess of the whole thing by over-complicating the obvious. these milestones of his seem more the work of an overinflated ego than any way of judging the infinite number of variables involved. since "knowing" is impossible, numbers 1 and 7 are a waste of perfectly good numerals. numbers 2 and 6 are those who have made the choice. without a full understanding, they have decided to believe. while those who fall into category 6 may concern themselves with probabilities, the denizens of category 2 are usually more concerned with the unquantifiable. all that remains, numbers 3 through 5, is doubt. which way one might tend is beside the point, no decision has been made.

of course agnosticism is no middle ground, it is the failure to commit to either side of the question and an adherence to the limitations of logic. but, as i have said before, logic has little to do with the gods of men.


Well-Known Member
in a sense, we are all agnostic when we speak of gods and such. agnosticism is nothing more than "not knowing" and, though we may delude ourselves that we know one way or the other, the very nature of that realm makes "knowing" impossible. that delusion is "belief" or "faith", it is a choice. the theist has made that choice, the atheist has made that choice, all else is indecision. that indecision is perfectly rational, given that there is a dearth of real information on the subject, but religion isn't really the domain of the rational mind.

i'm always a bit amused when folks like dawkins attempt to insert logic into the question of gods (yes, i do it too and i chuckle at myself on those occasions). it confuses the rational mind with the emotional mind and makes a mess of the whole thing by over-complicating the obvious. these milestones of his seem more the work of an overinflated ego than any way of judging the infinite number of variables involved. since "knowing" is impossible, numbers 1 and 7 are a waste of perfectly good numerals. numbers 2 and 6 are those who have made the choice. without a full understanding, they have decided to believe. while those who fall into category 6 may concern themselves with probabilities, the denizens of category 2 are usually more concerned with the unquantifiable. all that remains, numbers 3 through 5, is doubt. which way one might tend is beside the point, no decision has been made.

of course agnosticism is no middle ground, it is the failure to commit to either side of the question and an adherence to the limitations of logic. but, as i have said before, logic has little to do with the gods of men.
Excellent post! :clap: This is what I've been trying to say. Logic doesn't hold up when talking religion. For that matter logic doesn't hold up when talking humanity. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
This thread is going to be used to show some of the self proclaimed "conservatives", Christians and other believers in general that religion... specifically Christianity, has blood on it's hands.

If you're going to try to refute anything I say, I ask that you do it with sound logic and reasoning. Tell me where I'm wrong, point it out. Don't just come with insults or attacks. It doesn't strengthen your position, it infact weakens it.

So lets get started.

I am personally of the opinion that Christianity and Islam are the two most dangerous religions humanity practices. One because of the actual doctrine and two because of how many believers of each faith there are. There are plenty of other threads that point out the atrocities committed in the name of Islam, so to save time, I'm going to focus only on Christianity.

There is bloodshed all throughout the Bible, with God personally killing (or having killed) an estimated 2,391,421 people.

Detailed list -

...but dismissing all the deaths, lets focus on the other issue, and in my opinion, the more important one, that indirectly shapes the world we live in today. The indoctrination aspect. This is the most dangerous thing about organized religion. Believers essentially force children to believe or, in most cases, be cast out or shunned from their community. This has been happening since the beginning. It's a mellenia old game of telephone, except in this game, nobody knows they're playing. Indoctrination is one of the hardest forces to escape from, harder than addiction. Those of us lucky enough to live in somewhat secular households while we were growing up witnessed it with our own eyes, and those of us smart enough to keep them open realized it's bullshit. So those kids grow up with the fear of hell ingrained in their minds, influencing every thought that passes through it and every decision they make. Believers simply don't understand morality doesn't come from the Bible and it doesn't come from Christianity, it comes from within. Politicians gain and control power by manipulating these same people, telling them exactly what they want to hear while not straying too far from their most prescious beliefs, those that they hold so dearly nothing will change them, not even reality. These politicians approve and pass legislation that affects us all based on their personal religious beliefs. Their beliefs indirectly affect foreign policy, which consequently lead to indirect deaths.

-most believers cannot list all ten commandments, yet follow some of them (the ones they hear repeated in the mainstream) wholeheartedly, without question

-almost every single believers interpretation of heaven, hell, God, Satan, angels, demons, the soul, etc. are different

-there are over 30,000 different sects of Christianity (all of them are right?)

So, do you think Christianity is completely safe, totally harmless and there's absolutely nothing wrong with practicing it, or do you think it's dangerous, it can be interpreted in many ways that can lead to violence, even today? :confused:
I can't disagree with anything you said here. Safe or unsafe? No religion is safe.

Humans have a tendency to radicalize to an idea they agree with. Republicans 'hate' democrats, and vise-verse. And religious nuts can be found in EVERY religion.

It is really the responsibility of the religious leader to teach his followers moderation. Christianity is more moderate then Islam (now) because our developed society is enlightened to social and scientific facts. Islam is simply going thru its own Dark Age right now. Soon, I believe, the younger Muslim generations will experience their connection with the world, and lose radicalism in favor of modernity thru education.

That is, unless the U.S. continues to bomb the shit out of innocent brown civilians, intentionally spawning their own enemies to continue world violence and justify the outrageous profits into the military industrial complex.

The Islamic people would have welcomed modernity, even if their leaders desired to incite radicalism, if only the U.S. would have used its enormous wealth to benefit the world, instead of subjugating it.

And it is the U.S. which hijacks ignorant and/or corrupt Christians into supporting their bullshit agenda as well. So, Christianity dangerous? I daresay! But more to the point: Stupid Christians, capable of radicalization, are dangerous. Moderates of any religion are welcomed; even though they waste their time asking someone else to do their thinking for them.