Is China a threat?

they took over most of the african countries. they got permisson from the lands to build and to have "security" they bought some of the lands surounding some busy water passageways. they are allowed to have military there. america is trying to buyback the lands but its a little bit too late. i would say america is more of a treat to china than china to america.

considering china is producing a shit tone for pennies and rest of the world is buying they are making good money. yes they are running a slave market but money is rolling in
i know where i live we pay the farmers 10$an hour. soo our apples are really expensive but apples from latin america are dirt cheap because there workers get paid 0.5$ an hour. its cheaper to pick pack ship almost to another part of the world then to pick localy...its hard to step away from the slave market when they make it soo cheap
China is our no. 1 adversary. but do they want to invade north america?… don’t think so. And while their milotary is technically “bigger” no military on earth is as tested as the US military. and that counts for a lot when you think about things like supply and logistics chains, which has been the achilles heel for russia as we’ve witnessed in the ukraine.
they took over most of the african countries. they got permisson from the lands to build and to have "security" they bought some of the lands surounding some busy water passageways. they are allowed to have military there. america is trying to buyback the lands but its a little bit too late. i would say america is more of a treat to china than china to america.
China is not a threat to the US any more than it will "buy" the world. They bought influence in 3rd world countries through means both fair and foul, just like the US did not too long ago. As shown through the US experience, that investment can always be wiped out if a country nationalizes the asset. I can't say that I'm proud of what the US government did in some African states. I'm wondering if when it's all said and done, the Chinese people will be proud of what their government did.
China is an adversary of the US. Republicans are a threat.
I remember the more innocent days of yore, when only Arabs could afford Republicans.

i know where i live we pay the farmers 10$an hour. soo our apples are really expensive but apples from latin america are dirt cheap because there workers get paid 0.5$ an hour. its cheaper to pick pack ship almost to another part of the world then to pick localy...its hard to step away from the slave market when they make it soo cheap
10 dollars an hour is not a living wage
It’s practically slave labor when you consider transportation cost alone
The only ones who see it as a living wage are greedy “job creators “
I believe China has a larger Army and much larger Navy than Russia does.
China currently has the biggest navy in the world out numbering us by several large carriers and battleships. And though strategy does matter history has shown many a times that it’s almost always the larger navy that wins in the end when dealing with navel warfare. But yes China is definitely a threat to not only us militarily but also to our sovereignty they implant spies all over the place and steal our intellectual property constantly and take a lot of our most trusted and guarded knowledge and scientific breakthroughs and backpack them to Asia to be exploited and utilized at the prc’s will
China currently has the biggest navy in the world outnumbering us by several large carriers and battleships. And though strategy does matter history has shown many a times that it’s almost always the larger navy that wins in the end when dealing with navel warfare. But yes China is definitely a threat to not only us militarily but also to our sovereignty they implant spies all over the place and steal our intellectual property constantly and take a lot of our most trusted and guarded knowledge and scientific breakthroughs and backpack them to Asia to be exploited and utilized at the prc’s will
US has eleven active carriers.
China has 2 with a third being fitted out.

US has eleven active carriers.
China has 2 with a third being fitted out.

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the Chinese navy has outnumbered us going on three years and most all there ships are modern as in made in the last 15 years