Is cannabis the best plant on earth?


Well-Known Member
I would probably have to say that the plants that we eat, that our food eats, that keep the whole "circle of life" going...those are probably a little more important than the cannabis plant. Just an eensy weensy bit.

But cannabis has its place in that circle, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
I agree with others it's not the most important plant. Cause we all know coca is the more important plant and a lot of people on here sniff it and I point them out on a daily basis. But yea cannabis is a close second. Hell I probably will name my daughter in the future sativa or put her middle name indica. She won't know till her teens what the fuck her name means.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is by far and away the best plant in the world.

It is (seeds) edible and highly nutritious.
It can provide shelter (hemp can be woven into a nice enclosure to provide protection)
It can provide fuel for cooking...hemp seed gruel and cakes etc.
It is a general purpose medicine (potent buds)
It is the greatest recreational drug of all time...sticky yummy potent buds


Well-Known Member
it is one of the most important.,.,corn is the most important plant if you ask i.,.,along with other fruit trees .,.,.,but all in all yes it is one of the most important plants on jahs green earth


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is by far and away the best plant in the world.

It is (seeds) edible and highly nutritious.
It can provide shelter (hemp can be woven into a nice enclosure to provide protection)
It can provide fuel for cooking...hemp seed gruel and cakes etc.
It is a general purpose medicine (potent buds)
It is the greatest recreational drug of all time...sticky yummy potent buds
LOL, I don't think I'd ever want to live in a hemp, or at least not a house made out of hemp. I live in California, my shit would be ablaze in the next fire season!


Well-Known Member
I agree with others it's not the most important plant. Cause we all know coca is the more important plant and a lot of people on here sniff it and I point them out on a daily basis. But yea cannabis is a close second. Hell I probably will name my daughter in the future sativa or put her middle name indica. She won't know till her teens what the fuck her name means.
LOL why the coca plant? whys it most important is it cause alot of people do it? if so what about the poppy seed that has alot of medical uses as well as the recreational usage.
lol and why you gonna call you girl sativa lol you must hate your kid to do that what you gonna call him if its a boy? crack sniff blow? after your favorite plant fo sho

i dont think cannabis is best plant in the world but its definatly the best plant to go in me bong


Well-Known Member
it is one of the most important.,.,corn is the most important plant if you ask i.,.,along with other fruit trees .,.,.,but all in all yes it is one of the most important plants on jahs green earth
I would put every plant that I eat before it, and every plant that the animals that I eat eat too.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is!You can make cotton like material from it,rope,paper on and on.There might be a plant that can do one great thing hemp cant but hemp can do hundreds of things cotton or soy cant.Getting high from it being the most important he he.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Well, Like stated above the seeds are highly nutritious

It can replace trees for use as paper

It makes sturdier longer lasting clothes than does cotton

It is medicinally valuable for a plethora of things from cancer to glaucoma to pain management

It's a nearly harmless recreational drug

It can be fed to livestock

I'm finding it hard to think of things it's not good for.........


Well-Known Member
Id say one of the best, it can be used to make food, paper, clothes, fuel, even ford made a car out of it.. And then you can even get high off it!:mrgreen:

I cant think of many other plants with as many uses.


Well-Known Member
we smoke it and love it so i think we play a major role in its "evolution" i guess.. some shit like that
i also like how it produces oils that gum up insects mouths, or sticks them like a web. and the way it smells like a skunk so as to ward off predators..

the one about the skunk.. i reall dont know if thats true, but it sounds bad ass


Well-Known Member
I do, it and its hemp variety are the best most useful plants in the world.

from clothing to paper, to medicine, its the plant of a thousand uses and it makes people peaceful, docile and happy.