Is candlelight enough to interrupt the dark period?


Well-Known Member
I like doing my mushroom inoculations at night I've already bought a green light bulb so I can see but I need a constant flame running to flame sterilize my supplies. Does one candle along with a green light bulb emit enough lumens to interrupt the dark period? The moon puts out lumens.. how much is too much?


Well-Known Member
I feel weird about leaving the green party light on too... this is 100% not going to harm them either, right?


Well-Known Member
1. Why do you inoculate at night?
2. Why can't you inoculate in a room that you aren't growing herb in?
I don't think the candle will cause a problem, and if you don't shine the green light at the plants, maybe use some sort of reflector to direct the light at your work area.


Well-Known Member
1. Why do you inoculate at night?
2. Why can't you inoculate in a room that you aren't growing herb in?
I don't think the candle will cause a problem, and if you don't shine the green light at the plants, maybe use some sort of reflector to direct the light at your work area.
I tend to stay up late a lot and it's just when I get most motivated.

It's the only room I can do either at the moment.

The plants are growing in a room made of mylar but the very top is a little open.. it should add a little extra protection.


Well-Known Member
I would just do the inoculations when the lights are on for the plants honestly,it would suck to take that chance and screw up your cycle.


Well-Known Member
I like doing my mushroom inoculations at night I've already bought a green light bulb so I can see but I need a constant flame running to flame sterilize my supplies. Does one candle along with a green light bulb emit enough lumens to interrupt the dark period? The moon puts out lumens.. how much is too much?

the basic rule of thumb is that the plant can withstand the lumen's of the moon when it is full, without reverting your plant back into the vegatative stage,so as long as your green light/candle doesn't exceed that then everything should be just fine....hope that made sence:mrgreen:

oh hope it helped too....


Well-Known Member
SnackTalk - Snack Discussion Group: Re: Lumens (fwd)
here's the first link on google. Full Moon = .03 lumens per sq/f

you could just get a really cheap tester to give you an idea of the lumens of your candle and the moon. you don't need exact numbers, just an idea of how much light each puts off. it does have to do with distance from the plants too, so you can't just look up a number on google. to many variables


Well-Known Member
I just figured google would prolly have a place to start. Looks like I was right. I'd still vote to take the shrooms out for 10 minutes, and inoculate in the other room, and take them back in, or do it when your grow lights are on, and just shade the work area a little.


Well-Known Member
my guess (if anyone cares about my guesses) would be, do your best to shade the candle light and the green light from the plants. the further away the lights are from the plants, the quicker it dissipates, so distance is good too. do your best and keep light exposure to a minimum and you should be ok.

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
I accidently left the candles on when trying to make Co2 and forgot to blow them out before the dark cycle on 12/12. Has anyone heard any bad effects from doing this once? Did I really set her back, and stress her out bad?? I left the candles on for about 5 hours through the dark cycle. I am about one month or so into flowering, and the buds look sweet.

Not thread jacking just have similar concerns. Good Luck with the Grow!!
Please see my post for similar topic. PEACE!!



Well-Known Member
i will add my 2 peneth.... DON'T USE CANDLES !!!! THEY CAUSE FIRES !!! ive seen wot candles do, you only have to forget about 1 for a min or 2 and youre feked. ( i was a part time fireman) allso if u r stoned its sooooo easy 2 do 1 JUST BE CAREFUL PLEASE.


Well-Known Member
i will add my 2 peneth.... DON'T USE CANDLES !!!! THEY CAUSE FIRES !!! ive seen wot candles do, you only have to forget about 1 for a min or 2 and youre feked. ( i was a part time fireman) allso if u r stoned its sooooo easy 2 do 1 JUST BE CAREFUL PLEASE.
I kinda know what you mean. I start cooking something on the stove, I walk away for only a minute or 2 to grab something from another room, I come back and it's burned to the bottom of the pan already. things can happen so fast and not be expected.