Is Canada really better than the US?

Balke Buds

We have some good beer. Molson Canadian is not one of them. However, everyone should try Granville Island beer! Our $ looks pretty, but alas it is worth $0.91 to the US dollar.

EDIT: AND our gas is ridiculously expensive. $1.47/L for regular, that's $5.59/Gallon....for regular.
I have a fondness for Mooshead...mmmmmmm.
And the price for gas in Germany was between $9 and $11 a gallon last time time I was there about 2 years ago, that shit is stupid...people live different under those prices.


Well-Known Member
Just like everywhere there are pro's and con's
Free healthcare is not exactly free as taxes are much higher in Canada
If Canadians are such great hockey players, why have they not won a Stanley Cup since 1993?
The maple syrup comes from Quebec, which is not really Canada but kind of, for now.
Highways for snowmobiles wouldn't work well in the summer so typically cars/trucks/motorcycles are utilized
Dr. Jekyll

Good beer, well let's just say way better than American beer, but that's not saying much
Yes, colourful money that's 91 cents on the USA dollar
Mr. Hyde
To contradict your, "Canadians not winning the Stanley cup".

Some U.S teams are a majority of Canadian players. (Crosby)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
To contradict your, "Canadians not winning the Stanley cup".

Some U.S teams are a majority of Canadian players. (Crosby)
Actually all NHL teams are majority Canadian players, but that still doesn't change the fact about Stanley Cup victories.
Dr. Jekyll

Let me guess, you're a Maple Leaf fan, who was no more than a "twinkle" in your father's eye the last time Toronto won the cup.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Ill put a rogue dead guy ale up against your alexander kieths any day Cana dia 'Merica

Never new a life so sweet till I swam across that damn border and had 14 kids so I didnt have to work and make 90k a year I just replaced cilantro with cannibus and moved to colorado and opened up a bad ass carniciria .... beat that Canada