Is Anything Real?


Well-Known Member
Dont burn the book till you have read it and its hard to prove anything that happened that far back, ya its alot of speculation but it sounds more logical then egyptians using pullys and simple machines to haul over 6 million stones ranging in size from 2 to 40 tons.

There is absolutely no proof in god or jesus or anything like that but still the majority of humanity believes in these things.
What's that got to do with him faking "proof", getting called out for it, and ADMITTING it?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Well he may have faked some pots. Woopidy do, either way alot of stuff the book points out makes sense.

Did he fake the pyramids? Nazzca Lines? Pretty hard to fake that.


Well-Known Member
Well he may have faked some pots. Woopidy do, either way alot of stuff the book points out makes sense.

Did he fake the pyramids? Nazzca Lines? Pretty hard to fake that.
No, he just proved that he's a liar and a bullshitter. And not to be taken seriously :wink:

Apparently there have been two books written just to rebut his bullshit. The Space Gods Revealed by Ronald Story and Crash Go The Chariots by Clifford Wilson.

A 2004 article in Skeptic Magazine[1] states that von Däniken plagiarized many of the book's concepts from Le Matin des Magiciens, that this book in turn was heavily influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos, and that the core of the ancient astronaut theory originates in H. P. Lovecraft's short stories "The Call of Cthulhu" and "At the Mountains of Madness".

One artifact offered as evidence in the book has been disclaimed by Däniken himself. Chariots asserts that a non-rusting iron pillar in India was evidence of extraterrestrial influence, but Däniken admitted in a Playboy interview (vol.21, no.8, 1974) that the pillar was man-made and that as far as supporting his theories goes "we can forget about this iron thing." However, neither this nor any other discredited evidence has been removed from subsequent reprints of Chariots of the Gods.


Active Member
I looked the book up on amazon, a lot of bad reviews. Or reviews that say something along the lines of "interesting idea, but no real proof"

Where is the proof for von Däniken's claims? Some of it was fraudulent. For example, he produced photographs of pottery that he claimed had been found in an archaeological dig. The pottery depicts flying saucers and was said to have been dated from Biblical times. However, investigators from Nova (the fine public-television science program) found the potter who had made the allegedly ancient pots. They confronted von Däniken with evidence of his fraud. His reply was that his deception was justified because some people would only believe if they saw proof ("The Case of the Ancient Astronauts," first aired 3/8/78, done in conjunction with BBC's Horizon and Peter Spry-Leverton)!

Any book with a new way of thinking or a new theory will get a lot of bad reviews. The things to focus on in his book are not the small artifacts, but the monumental constructions that seem completely impossible even by todays standards. The time frame for the pyramids is 20 years. That means a multi ton brick was excavated, carved, transported and laid every 9 seconds. We could not build the pyramids today with our technology to that absolute perfection in 20 years. What about all the carvings in Egyptian tombs? How did they carve those in pitch black darkness? We know that fires cannot be lit inside of these tombs because of the lack of oxygen, try and light a lighter in there it wont light, you need electricity.

Nazca lines can only be seen by an aircraft; Why would someone create such glyph that they cannot even see. Other Nazca lines are laid much like an airport on top of mountains, these mountains have no summit they are completely flat, yet all surrounding mountains have their summits. There is also no material from the missing summits to be found anywhere. What purpose can these lines actually serve? Where is the missing material. What about Puma Punka in Tiahuanaco? Certain of these andesite blocks resembles a machinist's work, with straight, true edges and countersunk geometrical shapes. Some of the sandstone and andesite blocks are over 27 feet long. The nearest source for this material is 20 km to the north from the site. Now I'm not saying that's completely impossible for a man to create with limited technology, but the elevation of this structure is so high that the plants that grow there are completely stunted, and oxygen levels are way too low for anyone to labor in. Building something that complex at that elevation needs technology not man power.

Many people discredit Von Daniken as a fraud, but if you actually read his book he never says "this is", "this happened this way" or "this is a fact". He merely asks "why?" and "how?", everyone completely passes over his question marks and takes them as statements. No scholar has yet to come up with any rational reason or method of these megaliths, all they say to these theories is "wheres the space ship?". Do you think if ancient astronauts came here they would just leave one of their ships behind? No! So all we have to work with is what is here and what we can see and touch, and what we come up with is speculation, not proven facts yet. Our scholars can only speculate about why these structures are there and how they built them, there is no proof of why or how they are there, but we take what our scholars say as fact because "they know it all".


Well-Known Member
Any book with a new way of thinking or a new theory will get a lot of bad reviews. The things to focus on in his book are not the small artifacts, but the monumental constructions that seem completely impossible even by todays standards. The time frame for the pyramids is 20 years. That means a multi ton brick was excavated, carved, transported and laid every 9 seconds. We could not build the pyramids today with our technology to that absolute perfection in 20 years. What about all the carvings in Egyptian tombs? How did they carve those in pitch black darkness? We know that fires cannot be lit inside of these tombs because of the lack of oxygen, try and light a lighter in there it wont light, you need electricity.

Nazca lines can only be seen by an aircraft; Why would someone create such glyph that they cannot even see. Other Nazca lines are laid much like an airport on top of mountains, these mountains have no summit they are completely flat, yet all surrounding mountains have their summits. There is also no material from the missing summits to be found anywhere. What purpose can these lines actually serve? Where is the missing material. What about Puma Punka in Tiahuanaco? Certain of these andesite blocks resembles a machinist's work, with straight, true edges and countersunk geometrical shapes. Some of the sandstone and andesite blocks are over 27 feet long. The nearest source for this material is 20 km to the north from the site. Now I'm not saying that's completely impossible for a man to create with limited technology, but the elevation of this structure is so high that the plants that grow there are completely stunted, and oxygen levels are way too low for anyone to labor in. Building something that complex at that elevation needs technology not man power.

Many people discredit Von Daniken as a fraud, but if you actually read his book he never says "this is", "this happened this way" or "this is a fact". He merely asks "why?" and "how?", everyone completely passes over his question marks and takes them as statements. No scholar has yet to come up with any rational reason or method of these megaliths, all they say to these theories is "wheres the space ship?". Do you think if ancient astronauts came here they would just leave one of their ships behind? No! So all we have to work with is what is here and what we can see and touch, and what we come up with is speculation, not proven facts yet. Our scholars can only speculate about why these structures are there and how they built them, there is no proof of why or how they are there, but we take what our scholars say as fact because "they know it all".
I didn't really read all that, cuz seriously, the guy has zero credibility if you ask me.

But about the carvings in Egyptian tombs...wouldn't there be plenty of oxygen while they were building them up? I mean, figure while they were building a level and doing all their carvings, it would be open to the air, right? With plenty of light and oxygen and all that jazz.

Seems like a lot of this is based on assuming that the people of the ancient world were too stupid to manage. But they were smart enough to communicate with extraterrestrial beings....right....


Active Member
I didn't really read all that, cuz seriously, the guy has zero credibility if you ask me.

But about the carvings in Egyptian tombs...wouldn't there be plenty of oxygen while they were building them up? I mean, figure while they were building a level and doing all their carvings, it would be open to the air, right? With plenty of light and oxygen and all that jazz.

Seems like a lot of this is based on assuming that the people of the ancient world were too stupid to manage. But they were smart enough to communicate with extraterrestrial beings....right....
the one thing u chose to dispute is the only thing that could have been done with only human ingenuity, but even scholars agree that the carvings where done after the tombs where completed, they just claim it was done by torch light. Yet there is no evidence of torches ever being in there nor is it possible for a flame to be there. My belief is they did use electricity, they used the Baghdad batteries to power some sort of light bulb, that is totally possible for them to create and we know that these batteries did exist.

None of this is assuming they where too stupid to manage, but more that they lacked the technology to build some of these megaliths that they did, where they did, with the precision they did, in the time frame they did. As i said before all of this is speculation, just as much a speculation that scholars tell us how and why they did it. They don't know for a fact, neither do I, or anyone for that matter. What I believe seems to be the most reasonable answer to the unanswerable questions IMO


Well-Known Member
the one thing u chose to dispute is the only thing that could have been done with only human ingenuity, but even scholars agree that the carvings where done after the tombs where completed, they just claim it was done by torch light. Yet there is no evidence of torches ever being in there nor is it possible for a flame to be there. My belief is they did use electricity, they used the Baghdad batteries to power some sort of light bulb, that is totally possible for them to create and we know that these batteries did exist.

None of this is assuming they where too stupid to manage, but more that they lacked the technology to build some of these megaliths that they did, where they did, with the precision they did, in the time frame they did. As i said before all of this is speculation, just as much a speculation that scholars tell us how and why they did it. They don't know for a fact, neither do I, or anyone for that matter. What I believe seems to be the most reasonable answer to the unanswerable questions IMO
You'll also notice that the one thing I chose to dispute was in the beginning of your post. No offense, but your posts get kinda long, and...I just can't force myself to read through you actually defending this dude :razz:


Active Member
You'll also notice that the one thing I chose to dispute was in the beginning of your post. No offense, but your posts get kinda long, and...I just can't force myself to read through you actually defending this dude :razz:
LOL I hear ya man, my point was that all of it is speculation, even the reasons the scholars give us for these things are speculation. I've been drinkin so I just got into it :lol: It is fun to think about though.


Active Member
You are all my imagination, I like this. It's like, all of you are my different emotions, it's eery, but cool.

Straight up G

New Member
Lifeforms ?
Don't know y you have chosen not to respond to my post but ya, we are all lifeforms like any other, you can put on some make-up or a 3 piece suit and feel really good but like it or not we are all just lifeforms in this strange place, vessels traveling from one place to the next without a cause.