Is Anyone Watching The Show Dea


Well-Known Member
btw anyone laff extra hard when that mailman said,"hey man we havin a party or sumthing?"


Well-Known Member
Idk...I don't watch TV. But from what you're tellin' me this is what I'm getting...

1. Across from the school (WTF?!?! Why not across from the local cop station, or hell, in their back fucking yard)
2. Expensive SOA grow equipment
3 Next to a shitty grow.
4. Didnt give a fuck about IR in spite of #1

Fuck I'd be paranoid as hell if I had balls to do something that stupid. If the guy was smart enough to get all the right equipment...why did he do everything else so fucking stupid? Apply the same principle and argument to the economics of that kind of equipment.

Yet it looks real good....Guy growing pot across the street for your child's school. He wasn't growing for personal use which means he was intending to distribute.
Busted by the effectiveness of Police Enforcement equipment

Translation: Their everywhere, you can't see them, they'll get your kids. Relax...we're winning the war on drugs.

It sounds staged and orchestrated for propaganda.


Well-Known Member
anything over 100 plants and the feds will give him so much time he will be old and gray before he grows another one!!! hell we will be livin on the moon by the time he hits the streets!!!! and I agree fuk the feds!!!!


Active Member
yeah I think it is all a propaganda machine, I noticed it was only black dudes they went out and grabbed on the episode I watched


Active Member
no fucking propganda, dea here in detroit are wild
and it wasnt only black dudes, you forgot about the whiteboy at the crackhouse


Well-Known Member
i was watching the show as the camera zoomed on a familiar looking house, then i heard a bang on the door


Well-Known Member
Why do you guys watch that shit,it's like in prison,stupid asses watch the hell out of cop's,i'd think the last shit growers would want to watch is some dea bullshit.

You guy's who watch that shit do realize that by watching that crud you boost ratings,by boosting ratings the show continues to another season,maybe if people stopped watching that brain pudding they'd cancel the shows,then maybe it would take some of the profit out of busting people.
watch it online


Well-Known Member
Why would i want to ?

I like to partake in pleasant activities while im relaxing, watching other people get raided & start on a long road of harrassment & legal extortion is not pleasant for me.
Completely and totally agreed. :|


Active Member
I was using it as a learning activities, know thy enemy sort of thing. Although I have never had enough of anything around worth that kind of attention.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should reread the thread... but honestly I get my LEO behavioral information from my LE friends. ;)