Well-Known Member
Heres a list of terps and how they affect you... I hope this is helpful to further your research @eugeneoregon
Heres a list of terps and how they affect you... I hope this is helpful to further your research @eugeneoregon
Ironically, when terps are removed people gripe about lack of flavor or whatever. That's how fucking stupid the average weed consumer is. Terps are commonly available CHEAP. If anyone wants pinene they can get a liter of it at the hardware store for about $10, it's called turpentine. And limonene they can get from orange peels with a microwave essential oil distiller. To remove most terps the answer is simple leaving out to dry, in a thin layer on pure paper type parchment, because they are much more volatile than cannabinoids. It's like drying paint. A few days and it's done.
Terps are essential in a concentrate to get full benefits. The reason that distills should have terps removed is because as you said most terps will volatile before thc.. The terps that voltile around the same temp as thc are azatropic and undesirable. I thought maybe thats why u were doing the steam co distill to remove these remaining azatropes. Certain terps and flavanoids are not desirable too much of any 1 thing is bad. Except cannabinoids
I wonder what if you used glycerol to dissolve the extract instead of methanol. It's steam distillable but since its regular BP is 290 C it would steam distill at a higher temp than THC would. So in theory you could steam distill until pure glycerol starts going over, at which point all cannabinoids would have already gone over. To separate glycerol from the THC you would dilute with water, if more is necessary than the steam supplied. I mentioned glycerol because it's easy to get as "glycerin" at pharmacies. Can't really purge it so you would have to wash it out. Not toxic anyway though.
I was actually reading about DCVC recently. Looks useful. About methanol, my only gripe with it is the toxicity. If you breathe the vapor it has harmful effects, and how could you completely avoid it? It metabolizes to formaldehyde, if I recall. Nasty stuff. I'll make do with isopropanol myself, which metabolizes to acetone, itself not particularly toxic. Easy to get USP 99%, the other 1% being water. I do recognize the effectiveness of methanol as a solvent though, if you have a fume hood or very good ventilation.I have not tried this with any other carrier although I firmly believe that any solvent that disolves the extract into a form that can run through an addition funnel would work fine.
However, I use methanol for another part of the seperation that involves a form of chromatography generally referred to as Dry Column Vacuum Chromatography (DCVC). Methanol is an important tool in that art because essentially it is a chromatography technique that has a continuously changing solvent system.
I go from extremely polar to very polar solvents that are drawn through a buchner funnel that is loaded with Aluminum Oxide (alumina). The extract goes on top of the alumina and the solvent carries it through the alumina based on how well or not the solvent keeps it in solution. Similar to flash chromatography but some KEY differences that would take a video to show. One key difference is the ability to process large quantities of extract with relatively little solvent. Flash Chromatography can achieve the same result generally but use enormous amounts of solvent to do it, so recovery takes a bit longer.
In DCVC it does not take much solvent comparatively. My solvent strategy currently relies on going from very polar to non polar in a linear gradient. Methanol is the most polar solvent next to water on the solvent polarity charts. It works absolute magic on this stuff in the right ratio. Isopropyl alcohol I have also used but it is much more non polar and the result were much trickier to deal with. Plus isopropyl alcohol forms an azeotrope wih water so distilling it cannot recover pure alcohol without breaking the azeotrope with salt. I have done this many times but anything at all that adds to the process adds hassle lolz.
99.95% pure methanol can be bought on amazon for about $28 per gallon if you look under remote control vehicle racing fuel. It is as a practical matter pure methanol just like sprint cars run. Unlike gasoline there no additives - the tiny impurities present are water, and if you leave the lid off of the methanol it will soak up water and further dilute (which makes it more polar). A gallon goes a LONG way for my hobby use hehe.
open blasting really isn't that dangerous imho...a little common sense goes a long way when doin a open blast@eugeneoregon ur system is more suited for a metal still...not glass...this seems down right dangerous in the fasion ur doing. I guess not as scary as open blasting bho but idk...id definitely try ur setup with ethanol minus the steam injection rather add vaccum an cow receiver
I know you were asking Eugene but if I may make a suggestion, I wouldn't "soak" the material, because then you'll get a lot of plant oils rather than just resin. There's a slight amount of THC in the leaf oil but not enough to be worth picking up all the useless gunk with it. The cleanest and most potent product will be from when you don't crush the material at all, and don't even completely dry it out first, just leave it in a leathery state so it's still flexible and therefore won't break up when handled. Then you put the material in something with a hole in the bottom with a filter over it, like a blender with the bottom removed, and just pour the alcohol through. Or you could use a closed bottom container and just swish the alcohol around in the material by tilting and moving the container around. The idea is to use minimal agitation of the actual material. The remaining material I would simply throw away, because whatever may still be in it is not worth going after. It's only worth flushing down a toilet.Hi Eugene
I had a question and you seemed more knowledgeable then most so would like to ask you a question or run through something with you.
Currently am employing an extraction method using IPA, soaking the plant matter, then filtering off the liquid. Followed by boiling off the IPA in a rice cooker leaving behind the extract which I decarboxylate for a further 30-45 minutes. The quality of the outcome is always good but obviously it has alot of plant matter and other components (pinene, turpenes etc) in it making it hard to judge purity and strength, considering this is being used to help treat a cancer patient I believe this to be important.
I like your method of distillation and am interested but I'm trying to look at a way to simplify the procedure to make it more '1 pot' sort of method. I understand the process you are following and ideally would be the way to go, but for the sake of simplicity I was thinking of the following.
Using a pressure cooker I was thinking of boiling the plant directly, after being ground up. Then using copper pipe directly connected to the pressure cooker which will transfer the heat quite well down the copper pipe so help with with condensing back into a liquid.
Im curious if you think it would be effective without doing an alcohol extraction first, I believe it would take longer. Also since not using a steam injection into the boiling flask would also take longer but still be effective? What do you believe is a viable method of seperating the water and oil from the end product?
Im posting this on behalf of my mate who I assist and am just trying to come up with a viable solution to make what he's already doing more 'measurable'
Thanks for any input or suggestions and your time.
You were roughly 4 years ahead of the times.Hi folks. This topic is something I am extremely interested in. It seems to me that this is the best method of extraction for use in curing disease especially the granddaddy of all disease...cancer. I am extremely interested in being proactive and preventing cancer from spreading rather than treating it later. So, I've gone on utube and googled for days trying to grasp the concept of the science of the pressure that creates the end result by distillation. Here's the thing though. Those stills, even homemade, or oil separators or distillers or whatever is the ultimate way of doing things because the end product is sooooo freakin' pure. But, simply making an alcohol based tincture, straining, and letting the alcohol evaporate, makes the same end product plus much clorophyll and other plant molecules. But ultimately the whole plant rather that pure like an essential oil made by distillation. Did I confuse? I like to use cannabis concentrate in everything from lotions to infused oils and butters. fyi...when it soaks in the skin for hours, the feel is amazing. In coconut oil, the color is the most glowing charetruse; it just looks magic. Anyway, does anyone else do anything like this?